
29 May, 2014

G.O.Ms.No. 121 Dated: 22 -05-2014 :: Opening of New Sub Heads to Pensioners

G.O.Ms.No. 121 Dated: 22 -05-2014  :: AP Re-organisation Act, 2014 – Pensions – apportionment of Pension liability as per AP Re-organisation Act, 2014 – Opening of New Sub Heads – Orders – Issued.

Letter No.PM/I/Bifurcation/2014-15/107626, dt.14-05-2014 from the Office of the Principal Accountant General (A&E), AP. Hyderabad.

In the reference read above the Principal Accountant General (A&E), AP., Hyderabad has stated that Section 59 of AP Re-organisation Act, 2014 stipulates apportionment of Pension liability as per provisions under Eighth Schedule of the Act as illustrated the method of apportionment of Pension liability of the following categories of Pensioners.
a. Existing Pensioners of combined State (para 1 read with para 3 of the Schedule)
b. Pensioners retired/will retire from combined State whose claim was not settled on or before the date of bifurcation of the State. (para 2 read with para 3 of the Schedule).
c. Existing Pensioners of combined State who the draw Pension in any area outside the State (para 4 read with para 3 of the Schedule).
d. Pensioners who will retire in successor States (para 5 of the Schedule).
The Principal Accountant General (A&E), AP., Hyderabad has suggested for opening of new sub heads to the two categories of Pensions to record pensions related transactions and two new sub heads for inter state transactions .
Government after careful examination here by ordered to adopt the following new heads of account for recording pension related transactions.
i. Category I – Pre bifurcation – 2071-01-101-S.H.(04) Pre bifurcation Service Pension allocable between the successor States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in the ration of 58.32:41.68. This sub head is applicable to all types of service pensions who retire up to 01-06-2014.
ii. Category II Post bifurcation
a) Pension payable in respect of service rendered in existing State of Andhra Pradesh - 2071-01-101-S.H.(14) Post bifurcation Pension allocable to Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in the ratio 58.32:41.68.
b) Pension payable in respect of service rendered in the successor State of Andhra Pradesh and allocable to that State - 2071-01-101-S.H.(24) Pension allocable to successor State of Andhra Pradesh.
c) Pension payable in respect of service rendered in the successor State of Telangana and allocable to that State - 2071-01-101-S.H.(34) Pension allocable to successor State of Telangana.
d) The reimbursement is to be classified under S.H.(96) Pension reimbursement by successor State of Andhra Pradesh and S.H.(97) Pension reimbursement by successor State of Telangana.
Government also here by order that above sub heads are to be adopted under respective Minor Heads for booking expenditure under other pension related transactions like Gratuity, Commutation, Family Pension etc.,

Download G.O.Ms.No.121 Dated: 22 -05-2014

G.O.Ms.No.128, Dated: 27.05.2014 :: All DDO accounts to be Furnished a NIL balance report to the concerned DTO/PAO

G.O.Ms.No.128, Dated: 27.05.2014 :: Drawing and Disbursing Officer Account – Furnishing a NIL balance report to the concerned DTO/PAO. Hyderabad/PAO (W&P Wing) – Further – Orders – Issued.

1. G.O.Ms.No.85, Finance (TFR) Department, dated 21.04.2014.
2. From the Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad letter
Rc.No.U.1/Bud/Hyd./220/2014, dated 26.05.2014.
3. From the Pay & Accounts Officer, Hyderabad letter
No.PAO/Admn./U.I/2014-15/38, dated 26.05.2014.

O R D E R :
1. In the reference 1st read above, Government have given instructions to all the Drawing and Disbursing Officers in the State to settle all the deductions made from the employees monthly salary bills standing in the Drawing and Disbursing Officer Account by way of issue of crossed account payee cheques to non-Government Institutions concerned by 26.05.2014 bringing the Drawing and Disbursing Officer Account to NIL balance.

2. In the circumstances explained by the Commissioner of Police/Pay & Accounts Officer, Hyderabad in the references 2nd and 3rd read above, have requested the Government to extend the time limit for closing the DDOs Account upto 29.05.2014 and 28.05.2014 respectively.

3. Government after careful consideration of matter hereby extend the time limit for closing the Drawing and Disbursing Officers Account to NIL balance as on 29.05.2014 and furnish a NIL balance report to the concerned District Treasury Officer/Pay & Accounts Officer, Hyderabad/Pay and Accounts Officer (Works & Project Wing) by the next day i.e. 30.05.2014.

4. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts/Director of Works Accounts/Pay & Accounts Officer, Hyderabad are requested to take necessary action to issue suitable instructions to their Subordinate Offices.

Download G.O.Ms.No.128, Dated: 27.05.2014

27 May, 2014

Rc.No..1314(2)/A.5/2014, Dt: 09-05-2014 :: Re-engaging the Service  of Data  Entry Operators for the year 2014-15

Rc.No..1314(2)/A.5/2014, Dt: 09-05-2014 :: Rajiv Vidya Mission (SSA), Prakasam District - Re-engaging theService  of Data  Entry Operators for the year 2014-15 -Instructions - Issued - Reg.

1)Prog.Rc.No.5730/RVM(SSA)/C4/2010, Dt.29.04.2013 of the State Project Director, RVM(SSA), AP, Hyderabad.
2) Prog.Rc.No.5730/RVM(SSA)/C3/2010, Dt.28.04.2014 of the State Project Director, RVM(SSA), AP, Hyderabad.
3) Prog.Rc.No.5730/RVM(SSA)/C4/2010, Dt.25.04.2013 of the State Protect Director, RVM(SSA), AP, Hyderabad.
4) Prog.Rc.No.5730/RVM(SSA)/C4/2010, Dt,18.04.2013 of the State Project Director, RVM(SSA), AP, Hyderabad.

In references 1st to 4t" cited, the state Project Director, RVM (SSA),AP, Hyderabad has instructed-to re-engage the data entry operators for the year 2014-15 on contract basis basing on their performance assessed by Mandal level committee as per following criteria.

Punctuality in attending office
Confidentiality maintenance
Understanding manual scripts
Knowledge in Ms office
Preparation of word documents
Working with excel sheets
Power point presentations
Internet usage
Creating mail ID and accessing mails
Downloading & uploading data through mails
Web search
Typing knowledge in both Telugu and English with speed and without spelling mistakes
Maintenance of files in system and file retrieval Preliminary knowledge in hardware(Optional)

All the Mandal Educational Officers are requested to take necessary action on above said matter and submit theoreport to undersigned9ned within 5days from the date of receipt of the proceedings without fail.
This is most urgent and given to priority.

Download Rc.No..1314(2)/A.5/2014, Dt: 09-05-2014

Rc. No. 1314(3)/A5/2014, Dt: 09-05-2014 :: Re-engaging the Service of MIS Coordinators for the year 2014-15

Rc. No. 1314(3)/A5/2014, Dt: 09-05-2014 :: Rajiv Vidya Mission (SSA), Prakasam District - Re-engaging the Service of MIS Coordinators for the year 2014-15 - Instructions Issued   Reg.

l)Prog.Rc.No.5730/RVM(SSA)/C4/2010, Dt.29.04.2013 of the State Project Director, RVM(SSA), AP, Hyd'erabad
2) Prog.Rc.No.5730/RVM(SSA)/C3/2010, Dt.28.04.2014 of the State Project Director, RVM(SSA), AP, Hyderabad.
3)Prog.Rc.No.5730/RVM(SSA)/C4/2010 Dt.18.04.2013 of the. State Project Director, RVM(SSA):, AP, Hyderabad..

In references 1st to 3rd cited the state Project Director, RVM(SSA),AP, Hyderabad has. instructed to. re-engage the MIS Coordinators for tyre year 2014-15 on contract basis basing, on their performance assessed by Mandal level committee as per following criteria.
1. Performance shall be assessed based on the job chart prescribed.
2. Maintenance of data related to schools, children, teachers and infrastructure.
3. Analysis of DISE data.
4. Generation of reports for various purposes.
5. Monitoring of CAL, schools.,
The following committee may be  constituted at the Mandal' level to assess the performance of MIS Coordinators.

a. Mandal Educational Officer.Chairman
b. Head Master of one School ComplexMember
c. One Head Master of High School Other than School ComplexMember

All the Mandal Educational officers are requested to take necessary action on above said matter and submit the report to undersigned within the 5days from the date of receipt of the proceedings.

This is most urgent and given to priority.

Download Rc. No. 1314(3)/A5/2014, Dt: 09-05-2014

Rc.No.1314/RVM(SSA)/A3/2014, Dt.09.05.2014 :: Re engaging of IERT's for 2014-15

Rc.No.1314/RVM(SSA)/A3/2014, Dt.09.05.2014 :: RVM(SSA), Prakasam District - Re-Engaging of IERTs in Mandals - For the Academic year 2014-15 - Certain instruction- Issued -Reg.

Ref:-1. Proc.Rc.No.1522/RVM(SSA)/A3/2012,   dt.9-4-2014of  the Project Officer, RVM(SSA), Prakasam Dt. Ongole.
2.   Proc.Rc.No.5730/RVM(SSA)/A3/2010,   dt.28.04.2014 of  the State Project Director, RVM(SSA), AP., Hyderabad.

As  per the  reference 1st  cited, the IERTs who are working  in the mandals were terminated on 23.04.2014. Further in the reference 2nd cited, the State Project Director, RVM (SSA), AP., Hyderabad has instructed all the Project Officers in the state to Re-engaging the services of the IERTs who worked in mandals basing on their performance for the Academic Year 2014-15. The Criteria for assessing the performance of IERTs is regularity, punctuality, commitment of duties, and improvement in CWSN etc.

In view of the above, the Mandal Educational Officers are requested to constitute a committee with the following and submit the performance reports of IERTs on or before 05.05.2014 to the undersigned for taking further necessary action.

Mandal Educational Officer-Chairman
Parent of HBE CwSN-Member
Parent of another CwSN-Member

Download Rc.No.1314/RVM(SSA)/A3/2014, Dt.09.05.2014

26 May, 2014

Rc.No.860/RVM (SSA)/CW /C10/2011. Date: 16-05-2014 :: Supreme Court Orders on Providing Toilets and Drinking water facility to needy schools by re-opening of 2014-15 AY

Most Imortant/Supreme Court Case: Rc.No.860/RVM (SSA)/CW /C10/2011. Date: 16-05-2014 :: RVM (SSA), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad - Judgment dt.03.10.2012 of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in W.P.(Civil) No.63112e04 - Contempt Petition in Hon'ble Supreme Court - Orders dt.09.05.2014 of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India - Reg.

1. Judgement dated 03-10-2012 of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in W.P. No.631/2004 received from the, Advocate on Record for the State of A.P. in the Supreme Court of India, A.P. Bhavan, New Delhi communicated through this office Memo.even no. Dt.6.11.2012.
2. Contempt Petition filed by J.K.Raju in Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in W.P. (Civil) No.631 of 2004.
3. This office Procs.Rc.No.860/RVM (SSA)/CW /C10/2011, Date: -03-2014.
4. Orders dt.09.05.2014 of Hon'ble Supreme Court in f Contempt Petition No. 532j2013 filed by J.K.Raju in Hon'ble
Supreme Court ofIndia in W.P.(Civil) No.631 of 2004.

The attention of all the Project Officers and the Executive Engineers of RVM (SSA) in the State is invited to the references 1st to 3rd cited. While communicating a copy of the reference 4th cited, all the Project Officers, Executive Engineers, RVM (SSA) in the state are requested to take immediate necessary action to provide Drinking Water, Toilet facility to the required schools as per RTE norms in convergence with other line departments with the approval of the District Collector & Chairman, RVM (SSA) and complete these works before re-opening day of the academic year 2014-15.
Further, they should ensure that no school in the district is left
without Drinking Water, Toilet facility at the beginning of the academic year 2014-15 and sustainable functionality of Drinking Water & Toilet
facility for school children may be ensured.They are requested to furnish report on exact position and progress of these facilities in schools to this office on or before 15.06.2014 along with action taken in order to file an affidavit in the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India since the case is posted on 7th July, 2014.

This should be treated as MOST IMPORTANT.

Download Rc.No.860/RVM (SSA)/CW /C10/2011. Date: 16-05-2014

Toilets and Drinking water profarma


NotificationFinal KeyAdmission ScheduleResults
APRJC-CET-Information Bulletin 

User Guide
APRJCCET-2014-FINAL KEYnew image APRJC-CET-2014 AND RDC-CET-2014 ADMISSION SCHEDULEnew image APRJC-CET-2014 - Short Listed Candidates 

new imageAPRJC-CET-2014 -Results 

RDC-CET-Information Bulletin 

User Guide

25.05.2014 TO 30.05.2014 

All the applicants of AP PRJC-CET-2014 and RDC-CET-2014 are here by informed that 
admissions into first year Interm mediate for all APR Junior colleges in the state inncluding College 
of Excellence (Co-edn) Nagarjun na Sagar and Degree Courses for AP Residentia al Degree College 
(Men) Nagarjuna Sagar and Sillver Jubilee Government College (Men) Kurn nool will be held 
tentatively from 25.05.2014 to o 30.05.2014. The shortlisted candidates have to report to the 
Principal of the College for whhich they are shortlisted for admission on thee specified date. 
Selection of candidates will be made on the basis of the merit in admission test, reservation 
category and the preferences of f colleges opted by the candidate in the applic cation form. The 
counselling for admissions is dispensed now. As the applications are rreceived online, 
Certificate verification will be conducted to the candidates shortlisted for a admission on the 
specified date (25.05.2014 to 30.05.2014) and on satisfactory verification n of certificates, 
their admission will be confirmmed. If any candidate who is shortlisted for a admission fails to 
report on the specified day for verification of certificates (between 25.05.201 14 to 30.05.2014) 
such candidate shall forego their r right of admission in any of the College and fu urther their Name 
will be deleted from the meriit List of APRJC-CET-2014 and RDC-CE ET 2014 and no 
correspondence will be entertaineed thereafter. 


1. Result copy downloaded from m website http:// 
2. Hall Ticket Copy. 
3. Pass certificate and Memo of Marks (Single attempt March/April 2014). 
4.Conduct & Study Certificate (for or regular students study certificate 4th Class to o 
10th class and for private study y Nativity certificate). 
5. Transfer Certificate 
6. Reservation certificate(caste) issued by Thahsildhar concerned (if applicable) ) 
7. Special Category Certificate is ssued by concerned authority (if applicable). 
8. Special fee, admission fee and d Maintenance charges for APR Junior 
Colleges and APR Degree Col ollege. Hostel fee for Silver Jubilee 
Government College Kurnool as applicable. 
9. Physical fitness Certificate Iss sued by the not below the rank of Asst. Civil Sur rgeon. 
10.Latest Passport size photos 6 No's 

Any student reports withou ut required documents/Certificates and neces ssary fee will be 
rejected for admission and they wwill forego the right of admission.

24 May, 2014

Rc.No.1485/D3-1/2014, Dt: 22-05-2014 :: Instructions issued on Reliving of transfered but not relived teachers during 2013

Rc.No.1485/D3-1/2014, Dt: 22-05-2014 :: School  Education - Rational/Transfers of teachers during 2013 - Relieving of the teachers    Instructions issued - Reg.

1. G.O.Ms.No.33 Edn. (SE-Ser.lll) Dept., dated 02-05-2013.
2. C.&DSE Proc.Rc.No.1485/D3-1/2013 dated 02-05-2013.
3. C.&© Proc.Rc.No.1485/D3-1/2013 dated 17-05-2013.

All the District Educational Officers and the Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State are informed that the transfer counseling process of teachers was taken up during the month of May, 2013 in the State.   Further instructions were issued to all the District Educational Officers in the State in the reference 3rd read above that, "The Teachers (including subject teachers) who are on transfer shall be relieved from the present place of working subject to the condition that there shall be 50% of regular teachers working in the schools and only the senior-most teacher shall be relieved.  On account of transfers no schools shall remain without teachers, in such cases the teachers shall be relieved only after joining of substitutes".

Now, some of the teachers who were issued transfer orders during the transfer counseling in May, 2013 and some of the teacher unions are frequently requesting for relief of those teachers who have received transfer orders in the transfer counseling and who could not be relieved from the school for want of subject teachers/substitutes.

Therefore,  the  District Educational  Officers and  Regional Joint Directors   of   School   Education   are   instructed   to   examine  the implementation of orders issued in the reference 3`d read above.
(a) They shall identify the teachers and schools where the transfer orders are issued to the teachers but could not be relieved till today for want of subject teachers/substitutes.
(b) Implications involved in case of relief;
(c) Whether any school is likely to become a single teacher school or no teacher school, in such a school how many teachers will be left in case the teacher (under orders of transfer) is relieved and
(d) What is the enrolment.

The  District Educational  Officer shall send report,  school-wise, indicating the status of each school duly indicating the following details.

The District Educational Officer shall send the above reports to the Regional Joint Director of School Education concerned.   The Regional Joint Director of School Education shall examine and on satisfying the said conditions shall send the same to the Commissioner and Director of School Education with specific recommendations.

Download Rc.No.1485/D3-1/2014, Dt: 22-05-2014

G.O.Ms.No.182, Dt:22-05-2014 :: Scheme of Compassionate Appointments to the dependents of Government employees who retire on medical invalidation revived in G.O.Ms.No.661, General Administration (Ser.G) Department, dated 23.10.2008 - Certain Amendment - Orders - Issued.

G.O.Ms.No.182, Dt:22-05-2014 :: Public Services - Scheme of Compassionate Appointments to the dependents of Government   employees   who   retire   on   medical   invalidation revived   in G.O.Ms.No.661, General Administration (Ser.G) Department, dated 23.10.2008 - Certain Amendment - Orders - Issued.

1) G.O.Ms.No.504, G.A.(Ser.A) Department, dated 30.7.1980.
2) G.O.Ms.No.309, G.A.(Ser.A) Department,  dated 4.7.1985.
3) G.O.Ms.No.214, G.A.(Ser.A) Department,  dated 9.6.1998
4)Govt.Memo. No.36299/Ser.A/99-1, G.A.(Ser.A) Department, dated. 25.6.1999.
5)Judgment dated 12.10.2001 in W.P.No.13489/2000 and batch of  Hon’ble High Court of Andhra Pradesh.
6) G.O.Ms.No.202, G.A.(Ser.A) Department, dated 27.4.2002.
7) G.O.Ms.No.203, G.A.(Ser.A) Department,  dated 27.4.2002.
8) G.O.Ms.No.305, G.A.(Ser.A) Department,  dated 17.7.2002.
9) G.O.Ms.No.44, G.A.(Ser.A) Department, dated 17.2.2003.
10) G.O.Ms.No.251, G.A.(Ser.G) Department, dated 28.8.2004.
11) G.O.Ms.No.100, G.A.(Ser.G) Department, dated 3.3.2005.
12) Suo-moto contempt of Hon’ble High Court, dated 12.10.2001.
13) G.O.Ms.No.246, G.A.(Ser.G) Department, dated 30.5.2006.
14) G.O.Ms.No.124, P.R.&R.D.(Mdl.II) Department, dated 2.4.2008.
15) The judgment of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Civil Appeal  No.4210/2003  filed by V.Sivamurthy with CA Nos.4208-4209, 4213, 4226 of 2003, dated 12.08.2008.
16) G.O.Ms.No.661, G.A.(Ser.G) Department, dated 23.10.2008.
17)G.O.Rt.No.3401, G.A.(GPM&AR) Department, dated 23.07.2012.

O R D E R :
1. In the reference 16th read above, the Scheme of compassionate appointment to the dependents of Government employees who retire on  medical  invalidation has  been  revived  as  per  the  judgment  of Supreme Court of India in the Appeal No.4210/2003, dated 12.08.2008, filed by Siva Murthy   and others. In  Para 15  of the  said G.O.  it was  stipulated  that the benefit of compassionate appointment on medical  ground  shall  be  confined  to the  cases  where  the  Government  servant
retired on medical grounds shall have left over service of 5 years before attaining the age of superannuation irrespective of the age of superannuation prescribed for the posts and services. The required period of 5 years of left over service is to be reckoned from the date of issue of orders of retirement on medical invalidation.

2. It   has   been   observed   that   while   processing   the   cases   for   providing compassionate appointment under the above scheme, number of cases are being referred  to  General  Administration (Ser.G)  Department  for  relaxation  of  the condition that the Government servant shall have five (5)  years of left over service before the age of superannuation prescribed for the post and services, on the ground of delay occurred  in cases at various stages of the scheme.

3. The Standing Committee of Officers constituted in the reference 17th read above, in its meeting held on 25.01.2014, in case of compassionate appointment of Sri G.Ashok Reddy, S/o Sri G.Venkat Reddy, Forest Section Officer, and in case of Sri S.Baljeeth Singh, Dy EE, RWS & S who retired on medical grounds for relaxation of minimum left over service in terms of G.O.Ms.No.661, GA(Ser.G) Department, dated 23.10.2008,   has   observed   that,   the   entire   cases   relating   to   medical invalidation need to be studied carefully so that the   date   of   submission   of the application  for  medical  invalidation  should  cover  the  reasonable  time  taken  to process the case before the Medical Boards so as to avoid the charge or complaint of administrative delay.

4.Government after careful consideration of the matter,   hereby orders that the  required  period  of 5  years  of  left  over  service,  appearing  in  para 15  of G.O.Ms.No.661,  General  Administration (Ser.G)Department,  dated 23.10.2008, which is to be reckoned from the date of issue of order of retirement on medical invalidation,  shall  now  be  reckoned  from  the  date,  on  which  medical  board approves  the  request  of  medical  invalidation  provided  that  the    District  Level
Committee  /  State  Level  Committee  approves  the  recommendation  of  medical board. However   it   is   reiterated   that   all   other   conditions   stated   in G.O.Ms.No.661,General Administration (Ser.G)Department,   dated 23.10.2008, remains unaltered.

Download G.O.Ms.No.182, Dt:22-05-2014

G.O.No.122, Dt: 22.05.14 :: Pensions & Other retirement benefits to the Pensioners of the States of Andhra Pradesh & Telangana on and after the Appointed Day

G.O.Ms.No. 122, Date: 22.05.2014 :: Pension - Pensions & Other retirement benefits to the Pensioners of the States of Andhra Pradesh & Telangana on and after the Appointed Day -Instructions - Issued


Read the following:
1. The Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014.
2. Circular Memo No.607/83/A2/Pen.I/2014, Dt.02.04.2014.
3. Circular Memo No.9665/125/PSC/2014, Dt.06.05.2014.
4. GO Ms.No.97, Finance (PSC) Department, Dt.07.05.2014.

1. Upon approval of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act 2014 by the President of India, the Government of India has notified the appointed  date  for  the  formation  of  the  States  of  Telangana  and Andhra Pradesh as June 02, 2014.

2. The Section 59 of the AP Reorganisation Act 2014 envisages that the ‘liability of the existing State of Andhra Pradesh in respect of pension rolls granted  before  the  appointed  day  and  drawn  in  any  area  outside  the territories of the existing shall pass to, or be apportioned between, the successor States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in accordance with the provisions contained in the Eighth Schedule to the Act’.
3. In the reference second cited, the Government of Andhra Pradesh have issued certain instructions to all the departments of the Secretariat and the  head  of  all  departments  to  ensure  that  the  proposals  for  grant  of pension to all employees who have either retired from service or will be retiring  from  the  service  on  or  before  June 01, 2014,  are  sent  to  the
Principal Accountant General (A&E) of Andhra Pradesh latest by May 10, 2014. Further, even in the case of employees against whom disciplinary action is pending, the pension proposals shall be forwarded to the AG, duly mentioning the details. The head of the concerned office and the department will be held responsible for any laxity on this matter.
4. In continuation of the above orders, the following instructions shall be followed while disbursing the Pension to the Service Pensioners / Family Pensioners and other pensioners who have retired before appointed day i.e., 02.06.2014 and after the appointed day.
a.  All  the  Service  Pensioners,  Family  Pensioners  and  other Pensioners who are drawing the Pension from Treasuries & Accounts Department before appointed day i.e., 02.06.2014, shall draw their Pension as was done earlier in the same Treasury  Office.    The  Principal  Accountant  General (A&E) shall  adjust  the  expenditure  on  Pension  and  Pensionery Benefits of all the pensioners and employees retired before the  appointed day  i.e., 02.06.2014, of the  two successor States   i.e.,   Residuary   State   of   Andhra   Pradesh   and Telangana  on  population  ratio  i.e., 41.62  %  of  the  total expenditure to the Telangana and 58.32% to the Residuary state of Andhra Pradesh every month.

b. In case of Employees who are serving after the appointed day in connection with the affairs of any successor State of composite state Andhra Pradesh, the successor state shall bear the portion of the pension and pensionery benefits i.e.,
Pension,   Commuted   value   of   Pension,   Gratuity   and Encashment of Earned Leave, attributable to his service in
that successor state i.e., after the appointed day and the remaining portion of pension and pensionery benefits as was
mentioned at sub-para (a) above. The Principal Accountant General (A&E) shall adjust the expenditure on Pension and
Pensionery Benefits every month between the two states for the portion of his service in the united Andhra Pradesh and
for the remaining portion to the successor State.

c. The  Principal  Accountant  General  (A&E),  while  authorising the Pension of one successor State, shall send a copy of such authorisation along with Part.II(C) of the Pension proposals to the other successor State to take care of the procedural issues.

d. In case of any previous service, that may have to be counted for the present service of an Employee, such order shall be approved  by  the  both  the  successor  States,  i.e.,  Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

e. The  Principal  Accountant  General (A&E)  shall  adjust  the expenditure on Pension and Pensionery Benefits every month between  the  two  states  i.e.,  Residuary  State  of  Andhra Pradesh and Telangana on population ratio.

5. All the Secretariat Departments and the heads of departments shall take necessary action in this matter.

Download G.O.Ms.No. 122, Date: 22.05.2014

G.O.Ms.No. 178, Dt :18-05-2014 :: The Andhra Pradesh Re-organization Act, 2014 – Section 95 - Continuation of exusing admission Quotas in all Institutions of higher education for a period of 10 years in the States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana

G.O.Ms.No. 178, Dt :18-05-2014  :: The Andhra Pradesh Re-organization Act, 2014 – Section 95 - Continuation of existing admission Quotas in all Government or private, aided or unaided, Institutions of higher education for a period of 10 years in the State of Andhra Pradesh and State of Telangana  – Orders – Issued. 

The Andhra Pradesh Re-organization Act 2014 (Central Act No.6 of 2014)

ORDER:                                                                                                                                                The following notification will be published in the Extra-ordinary issue of Andhra Pradesh Gazette dated 19.05.2014.  

1. Whereas, the Andhra Pradesh Re-Organization Act,  2014( Act 6 of 2014) published in the Gazette of India on 1st March, 2014 has formed Telangana State under Section 3 of the said Act from the Appointed Day as defined in section 2 (a) of the Act. The Government of India vide Gazette Notification dated 4th March 2014, has notified the 2nd June, 2014 as the Appointed Day.
2. And whereas section 95 the Andhra Pradesh Re- organization Act 6 of 2014 (Central Act No.6 of 2014) provides that the existing admission quotas in all Government or private aided or unaided, institutions of higher, technical and Medical education so far it is provided under Article 371 D of the Constitution shall continue as such for a period of 10 years during which the existing common admission process shall continue.

3. In terms of  the powers conferred under section 95 of the Andhra Pradesh Re-organisation Act 6 of 2014 and in order to ensure equal opportunities for quality higher education to all students in the successor States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, the existing admission quotas in all government or private, aided or unaided, institutions of higher (including the disciplines of  agriculture, horticulture, veterinary, law, vedic education etc.,), technical and medical education, in so far as it is provided under article 371D of the Constitution,  in the existing State of Andhra Pradesh, shall continue as such for a period of ten years, effective from the Appointed Day of 2nd June, 2014, during which the existing common admission process shall continue.

Download G.O.Ms.No. 178, Dt :18-05-2014

G.O.Ms.No.17, Dt: 14.05.2014 :: SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – S.C.E.R.T, A.P, HYDERABAD – Examination Reforms for class IX and X from the academic year 2014-15 onwards

GO.MS.No17, Dt:14.5.14   :: SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – S.C.E.R.T, A.P, HYDERABAD – Examination Reforms for class IX and X from the academic year 2014-15 onwards – Permission Accorded -
Orders issued.
Read the following:-
1. GO MS No. 169, School Education (PE – Prog-II) Dept. Dt. 29.12.2011
2. GO MS No. 62, School Education (PE – Prog-II) Dept. Dt. 23.07.2012
3. GO MS No. 60, School Education (PE – SSA) Dept. Dt. 24.10.2013
4. From the C & DSE Lr. Rc. No. 302/E1-1/2009, Dt. 17.04.2013
5. From the Director, SCERT, A.P, Hyderabad Lr. No. 185/D1/C&T/SCERT/2013, Dt. 08.05.2014.
In the reference 1st and 2nd read above, orders have been issued for undertaking curricular reforms and revision of syllabus and textbooks for the classes I to X in a phased manner to meet the requirements of National Curriculum framework-2005 and Right to Education Act-2009 provisions. In the reference 3rd
read above orders have been issued for the implementation of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) in the State. Accordingly the Director, SCERT has taken curricular reforms in a big way based on National Curriculum Framework-2005 and Right to Education Act-2009 and revised the syllabus from class I to X followed by revision of textbooks in all the subjects and curricular and co-curricular areas from class I to X in a phased manner. The class X new textbooks will be introduced from the coming academic year i.e. 2014-15. As new books are introduced the evaluation process also needs to be modified. This has already been done for Classes I to VIII. 
2. The Director, SCERT vide reference 5th read above has submitted proposals for the revised evaluation process and scheme of examination for classes IX and X and stated that the proposed examination reforms will facilitate for a shift in the teaching learning process and improved transaction of new textbooks and transforms the ways of learning with activities, projects, dialogue and discussions, experiments etc. and hence requested the government to issue orders for the implementation of examination reforms in all the secondary schools in the State viz., government, government aided, panchayatraj bodies, recognized private schools on the following items:
a) Number of papers for each subject
• Single paper for each language subjects i.e. Telugu, English, Hindi, Urdu etc.
• Two papers for non language subjects i.e. Science, Social Studies and Mathematics
Paper 1 Biological Science,
Paper 2 Physical Science;
Social Studies–
Paper 1 Geography and Economics,
Paper 2 History and Civics;
Paper 1 numbers, sets, algebra, progressions, coordinate geometry and
Paper 2 geometry, trigonometry, mensuration, statistics, probability etc. 
c) Marks weightage and duration of examination
• Language subjects– 100 marks per paper and the examination duration will be 3.00
hours in addition to 15 minutes for reading the question paper. 
• Non language subjects– Mathematics, Science and Social Studies – Every subject will have two papers and each paper is for 50 marks and the examination duration is 2 hours and 30 minutes in addition to 15 minutes for reading the question paper. 
• The summative examinations which is school based for class IX and the final summative is of public exams at class X conducted by Director, Govt. Examinations. Each subject will be conducted for 80% of marks. The remaining 20% of marks are through internal assessment i.e. Formative Assessment [FA].
• The average of four formative assessments conducted in an academic year will be accounted for 20% of marks i.e. the average of four formative assessments will be taken and accounted for 20% of marks in class X public examinations.  
• Conduct one paper on each day except on general holidays. 
Summative Assessment: 
• Three summative tests must be conducted in each academic year for classes IX and X.
In case of class X, public examination will be in place of third summative test to be conducted by the Board of Secondary Education.  • First and second Summative Assessments shall be conducted by schools itself through preparing question papers for 80% of marks. This ensures that the children are trained to write public exams. The remaining 20% of marks shall be awarded on the basis of the Formative Assessment.
• The summative assessment for class IX and 1st and 2nd Summative Assessment in class X must be on the lines of public exams. 
The questions must be developed based on the blue print reflecting the academic standards. 
d) Internal and external weightages – Formative and Summative:
80% of marks in each subject for the summative/ external public examinations and. the 20% of marks for the proposed internals under formative assessment. The areas and marks for the formative assessment is given here under.

• A separate notebook for each subject for the formative assessment pertaining to three items of serial numbers 1, 3 and 4 of the above table shall be maintained by each student. However, in case of serial number 2 i.e. a separate notebook may be maintained by each child. These notebooks reflecting children works must be preserved which will be the basis for awarding marks by the teacher and for the verification of officials whenever required.
• The average of four FAs will be accounted for 20% of marks in public examinations under each subject. 
Verification of internal marks and submitting to O/o Director, Govt. Exams: 
• After completion of the 4th Formative Assessment, the headmaster should verify all the records for the above internal tests and keep ready for external moderation committee and submit the details of the marks to the SSC board after committee verification and approval, in a fixed format through on-line. The programming part of this for submission of internal marks from schools will be done by Director, Govt. Examinations.
• 10 to 15 schools in two or three Mandals shall be considered as a unit for monitoring and moderating. The moderation committee formulated by the DEO, shall observe all the schools assigned in the given Mandals both government and private and verify the marks, grades awarded for internals and as well as co-curricular activities. 
e) Pass marks and minimum marks for passing
• 35% is the pass marks for all the language and non language subjects. Students must qualify both in internals (FA) and summative examinations separately. 
• In non language subjects, the students must pass in each of the two papers separately. 
• In case of formative assessment (internals), 20 marks each for all the subjects except Science i.e. 10 marks for Biological Science and 10 marks for Physical Science.      One should secure 3.5 marks out of 10 marks in internals.
• Student must score a minimum of 35% of marks in each subject which includes both internals and externals. Students must secure 28 marks in external public exam and 7 marks in internals. Pass marks in Second Languages:
• The pass marks for second languages i.e. Hindi, Telugu etc. will be 35% on par with
other language subjects.
f) Grading 
• The marks based grading for classes IX and X with the range is given here under.  

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) will be calculated by taking the arithmetic average of grade points.  
g) Other curricular subjects (Co-curricular areas) – Evaluation   
• Co-curricular activities i.e. Physical &; Health Education, Arts &; Cultural Education, Work & Computer Education, Value Education & Life Skills are the part of the school curriculum. Periods have been allocated in the school timetable for transaction of these areas. These areas are now included for assessment in classes IX and X. Each area has 50 marks. 
• Grade details of these subjects are to be recorded in the memorandum of marks of class IX and X. The 5-point grade scale is applied to these areas i.e. A+, A, B, C and D.
• No public exam shall be conducted in these subjects. However, these areas will be evaluated for three times in an academic year i.e.  quarterly, half yearly and annually.
Teachers shall observe and award marks. The average will be taken into account and the details of grade must be submitted on-line by HM to Director, Govt. Exams after verification by the moderation committee. 
• HM should allot the responsibility of conducting these co-curricular activities followed by assessment to the teachers. Initially, choice may be given to the teachers to select the areas based on their interest. If it is not possible, the HM should allot co-curricular activities to the working teachers as suggested here under. 
Value Education & Life Skills to language teachers/ Social Studies teachers.
Art & Cultural Education to Social Studies teacher/ language teacher Work & Computer Education to Physical Science/ Biological Science teacher.
Physical & Health Education will be conducted by Physical Director/ Physical Education Teacher. In case PD/ PET is not available other teachers like Biological sciences etc. may be considered. 
However, the co-curricular areas shall be shown separately and will not be counted for grading the students in curricular areas.
h) Nature of the question papers and questions
• The nature of questions are to be open ending, descriptive, analytic which tests children abilities of thinking, critical analysis, judgments and leads to self expression and away from rote memory. Children must be trained to think critically and construct the answers on their own. Ensuing that learning is shifted away from rote methods and memory oriented, focus on self expression and do away with using of guides and study material and memorizing of answers.  
• The questions should make the children think and write. The questions should be
analytical, application oriented and open ended.
• The questions once appeared in public exams should not be repeated.
• The questions given in the exercises of the textbook under each unit and lesson must not be given as such. The questions must reflect the academic standards. 
i) Academic standards/ competencies to be achieved 
• The questions in the public exam should be in relevance to the laid down academic standards/ competencies to be achieved in the subjects concerned.
• Weightage for the competencies of the subjects shall be developed and blue print/
weightage table prepared and accordingly question papers shall be developed. 
Types of test items:
• Following are the nature of test items.
A) Non language subjects (Science, Mathematics and Social Studies)
o Essay type questions.
o Short answer questions.
o Very short questions
o Objective type questions – Multiple choice questions. 
B) Languages subjects – Telugu and other Indian languages
o Reading comprehension
o Writing 
o Creative expression 
o Vocabulary 
o Grammar 
C) Language – English 
o Reading comprehension
o Vocabulary 
o Creative writing
o Grammar  
• Objective type questions which are multiple choice in nature. 
j) Questions – Choice
• Each question paper may contain internal choice for essay types of questions only.  
k) Questions – Weightage 
• Blue print will be developed reflecting weightage to the nature of questions and
academic standards. No specific weightage to the lessons/ units. Questions may be
given from any lesson/ any part of the textbook. 
• The weightage tables must be kept in view while preparing question papers. Type of
questions (essay, short answer, very short answer and objective questions) and
academic standard-wise questions (how many marks and questions to each
academic standard etc.).
l) Single answer booklet and no additional papers 
• It is proposed to give one answer booklet to the students to write the answers since
suggestion given for the extent of answer in the form of paras/ sentences/ words. No
additional answer papers will be entertained. 
m) Correcting the answer scripts and the facility of revaluation
• As the questions are thought provoking and open ended, correction must be done
carefully. Appropriate guidelines will be given from SCERT to the teachers along with
key for undertaking proper correction of answer scripts. 
• Transparency in paper correction must be made by way of facilitating for 
re-counting of the answer scripts if students represent. 
• Guidelines on examination reforms and for correcting the papers will be framed from
SCERT. The children self expression, power of analysis, self writing, application and
explanation, argument and representation of their perspective etc. will also form the
basis for the correction in addition to subject matter.
n) SSC Memorandum of Marks 
• Following are the items represented in the class X public examination memorandum
of marks:
Part I:- General information about the student.
Part II:- Grades for the curricular areas i.e. languages and non languages - both
internals and externals and over-all grade. 
Part III:- Grades for co-curricular activities with qualitative description. 
Information on the grades and grade point average may also be given on the other side
of the memorandum of marks.
o) Training Programme 
• The SCERT shall design the training programme for the teachers teaching classes
IX and X along with supervisory staff. SCERT develop teacher handbooks on entire
process of examination reforms and new textbooks and train the District Level
Resource Persons in every subject area for the teachers teaching classes IX and X
including supervisory staff in collaboration with RMSA. The RMSA shall meet the
expenditure towards developing teacher handbook, conducting training to District
Resource Persons and actual conduct of training to the teachers in the field.  
• Trainings may also be through teleconferences at regular intervals and sharing of
good practices, doubts etc.  
p) Responsibilities of  D.C.E.B 
• D.C.E.B. shall take up the responsibility of preparing question papers for classes IX
and X (except public exam paper) and also sending them to schools.
• One Headmaster with sound academic background and commitment must be made
as in-charge of D.C.E.B. subject-wise district teams with 10 to 15 expert teachers
must be formed to prepare the question papers under D.C.E.B. The team members
should include the textbooks writers from the district, SRG members, subject
experts, teacher educators, experienced teachers etc.
• The subject groups of DCEB shall develop question papers and also examine the
good questions furnished from schools and teachers. These teams must conduct
subject-wise trainings in the district and also monitor the practice of assessment in
the schools. They may be considered as members in the moderation committee. 
• SCERT shall conduct orientations and trainings to the DCEB Secretaries and subject
groups at regular intervals and build their capacity and also monitor the functional 
aspects of DCEBs. The DIETs, CTEs and IASEs shall support and supervise the
work of DCEBs. 
• DCEB should conduct seminars and training programmes to the teachers to develop
awareness on the examination processes and correcting the answer scripts.
• The Director SCERT develops and submit the proposals to government in
consultation with Director, Government Exams.
• Develops guidelines on all aspects of examination reforms in the form of handbooks
to the teachers and supervisory staff along with additional booklet on subject-wise
model papers. 
• Develops guidelines for the valuation of answer scripts as a part of teacher
• Proposals to the government on the required facilities to the schools to implement
the curriculum so as to meet the examination standards. 
• Guidelines on the moderation for internals.
• Monitoring and studies on the implementation of SSC examination reforms at various
levels and take up follow up action.
Director, Government Exams:
• Collaboration with SCERT in finalizing the proposals based on the feasibility and for
submission to government for orders. 
• Development of programme for the on-line submission of internals and co-curricular
activities to the Director, Govt. Exams and designing the memorandum of marks/
• Monitoring the submission of internal marks and other nominal roles. 
• Correction of answer scripts and declaring the results.
• Pre and post examination work, revaluation etc. 
RJD SEs and District Educational Officer:
• Conducting orientation to the teachers and supervisory staff on the new evaluation
procedures. This also includes training to teachers and headmaster of private
• Restructuring and strengthening the DCEB with one in-charge i.e. Secretary and
constitution of subject specific groups with expert teachers @10 to 15 teachers per
• Constitution of two member moderation committee for @1 for two or three Mandals.
Steps for the capacity building of these moderation committee members with the help of SCERT and DIETs/ CTEs/ IASEs.
• Developing question papers printing and monitoring for the implementation for class IX and X except class X public examination. 
• Focus on thinking and self expression of answers from the children and do away the practice of memorizing answers from the guides and textbooks. 
• Gradual nurturing of self expression from class I onwards and focus on quality curriculum transaction and children learning outcomes rather than focus on class X alone. 
Dy. Educational Officers:
• The Dy.EOs are responsible for 100% implementation of examination reforms of in their division and monitoring the internals. This is for both government and private
• Identification of expert teachers in all the subjects and communicating list of such teachers to the DEO to consider for DCEB.
• Monitor the work of headmasters in monitoring the correct work of internals and implementation of curriculum and co-curricular activities. 
• Record the nature of curriculum implementation and examination practices in the inspection book of every government and private school. 
• The Dy.EO shall supervise the implementation of new textbooks, teaching learning process and implementation of formative and summative assessment procedures before moderation committee visits the schools. 
• The Dy.EO is responsible for arranging training programmes and create awareness on curriculum transaction and examination reforms. 
• Develop the knowledge on the basic aspects of curriculum, pedagogy, assessment duly reading and referring teacher handbooks, source books from SCERT and from
other sources/ internet. 
• Headmaster is the first level supervisory officer to ensure proper implementation of curricular and co-curricular activities, teacher preparation, lesson plans, teaching
learning process and conduct of exams properly by all the teachers.
• Identify and encourage teachers and children for their best efforts and talent and take it to the notice of higher officials and SCERT. 
• Using of guides and study material by the children and memorizing the finished answers will damage the children’s thinking capacities and self expression.
Therefore, guides and study material shall not be used. HM should ensure this.
• Allotment curricular and co-curricular subjects to the teachers available and see that all these areas must be transacted. 
• Headmaster must check the evidences for internal exams i.e. proper conduct of formative and summative assessments at school level and offer suggestions on the records and registers prepared by teachers and children. He should verify all the children and teacher records on FA and SA and satisfy himself before placing it to the moderation committee. 
• HM to furnish internal (FA) marks and grades on co-curricular activities to the
Director, Government Examinations through on-line as per the schedule from Director, Govt. Exams. 
• The HM should follow the schedule for the conduct of internals and other exams and maintenance children cumulative records and communicating the progress to the parents at regular intervals.
• The HM must ensure for quality classroom transaction by utilizing available TLM, equipment and library books in the schools. 
• The HM should conduct monthly review on the performance of the teachers and children and record in the minutes book along with suggestions for each teacher and review follow up action on the minutes of the earlier meeting.
• Arrangements for proper feedback to the children and their parents on children
performance and school activities. 
• The HM is the first teacher and must be sound in academic knowledge by way of
reading teacher handbooks, new textbooks and other source books and conduct frequent sharing workshops within the school on teacher readings and other
academic issues and concepts. 
• The HM should observe the classroom transactions of each teacher and offer further suggestions and guidance for improvement. 
• The teachers are responsible for the proper implementation of new textbooks i.e.
activities, projects, experiments, field investigations, information tasks etc. 
• The exercises given under each unit/ lesson are analytical and thought provoking in nature and children should think and write on their own. There shall not copying of answers from the guides, study materials, copying from other children notebooks etc. This is one of the items under formative assessment with appropriate interest and care. Teachers should not encourage purchasing and using of guides, study materials etc.
• The questions in the box items are meant for discussions in the classrooms where
children express and share their thinking and ideas. The box items are on the contemporary issues and situations where children are expected to reflect their experiences and prior ideas. This is helpful for application of textbook knowledge in their daily life situations. 
• Prepare and implement curricular and co-curricular subjects assigned to them and transact in a qualitative way with a focus on interactive teaching, discussions with active participation of children. Read resource books and additional reference material to get more clarity on concepts and develop teaching notes on each lesson.
Thus, add value to the textbooks. 
• Teachers conduct formative assessments (internals) and summative assessments and value the children notebooks and other records on regular basis. Give marks and grades based on children performance and maintain evidences of children performances in the form of children notebooks, records and keep ready for the observations of headmaster and moderation committee. The teachers shall take up remedial teaching and support children based on the gaps identified through formative and summative assessments.  
• Keep and read the teacher handbook, modules provided during training programmes and take up follow up action. Teaching is a profession and teacher is a professional and constant updation of knowledge and skills is a must for any profession.
Therefore, the teachers efforts for self development through reading resource books, magazines, journals, attending seminars/ trainings, visiting subject specific websites, sharing in teacher meetings etc.  
• Develop and use annual and lesson/unit plans and improve over time.
• Furnish children and teacher records pertaining to FA and SA to HM for his verification and for further guidance and suggestions. 
• Encourage children for their initiatives and attempts to improve and support them.
3. After careful examination of the matter, government here by agreed the proposal of the Director SCERT, A.P, Hyderabad as mentioned at Para 2 above, and accord permission to the Commissioner & Director of School Education, A.P., and the Director, SCERT for the implementation of the examination reforms as mentioned above for classes IX and X in all schools in the State i.e. government, local bodies, aided and private recognized schools. 
4. The Commissioner & Director of School Education, Director, SCERT, Director
Government Examinations are requested to take further necessary action accordingly. 

Download GO.MS.No17, Dt:14.5.14

20 May, 2014

G.O.Ms.No. 110, Dt:19.05.2014. :: A.P State Employees GIS 1984 - Accounting of Receipts and Payments under one Head of Account

G.O.Ms.No. 110, Dt:19.05.2014. :: Public Services-  Welfare- Insurance - Andhra Pradesh State Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1984 - Accounting of Receipts and Payments under one Head of Account - Orders - Issued.


1. G.O.Ms.No.293, Fin. and Plg (FW.Accts.II) Dept, dt:08.10.1984.
2. G.O.Ms.No.323, Fin. and Plg (FW.Accts.II) DepT, dt:12.11.1984.
3. G.O.Ms.No.198, Fin. and Plg (FW.Accts.II) Dept, dt:12.07.1991.
4. Govt. Circular Memo No.000910-B/212/Accts.II/86-1, dated:15.04.1986.
5. G.O.Ms.No.141, Fin. and Plg (FW.Accts.II) Dept, dt:05.06.1987.
6. G.O.Ms.No. 20, Fin. and Plg (FW.Accts.II) Dept, dt:22.02.1995.
7. Lr.No.5/GIS-1/2013-14, Directorate of Insurance, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, dated:01.04.2014.
8. Fin. U.O.No.61/251/A2/BG.III/14, Finance (BG.III) Department, dated:06.05.2014.

O R D E R:
In the reference 6th cited, Government have indicated the following Head of Account for accounting of the deposits and payments of the Andhra Pradesh State Government Insurance Scheme based on the recommendations of the

M.H. 8011 -Insurance and Pension Funds
107 -State Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme.
S.H. (01) - Group Insurance for State Government Employees
(02) -Group Insurance Scheme for Panchayat Raj Employees.
(04) -Group Insurance for Market Committee Employees.
(001)         -Insurance Fund (Receipts / Disbursements)
(002)         -Savings Fund (Receipts / Disbursements).

2. In the reference 7th cited, the Director of Insurance has requested to issue necessary orders for transfer of funds of Rs.47,39,62,081-42 to the extent of minus balance from the Head of Government Employees to Head of Panchayat Raj i.e.

M.H. 8011 -107- S.H. (01) to M.H. 8011 - 107 - S.H. (02)

To run the scheme smoothly and also to enable to clear the Accountant General Audit para.

3. In  the  reference 8th  cited,  Finance (BG.III)  Department  have  agreed  the proposal to transfer the funds to the extent of Minus balance under M.H.8011 -107 - S.H. (02) - GIS for Panchayat Raj Employees upto 3/14 from M.H. 8011 -
107 - (01) - GIS for State Government Employees.  And stated that the receipts and payments of these two categories should be adopted under one subhead of account instead of two subheads to avoid misclassification.

4. Government after careful examination hereby agree to merge of above two subheads into one subhead, which is indicated below, with immediate effect:

M.H. 8011-Insurance and Pension Funds.
107-State Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme.
S.H.  (01)-Group Insurance Scheme for State Government Employees.

5. Pending transfer of funds to the extent of minus balance up to date, by the Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad Office from M.H. 8011 - 107- S.H. (01) to M.H. 8011 - 107 - S.H. (02), the Principal Accountant General (A&E), A.P., Hyderabad is requested to transfer the amounts pertaining to Group Insurance Scheme available as on date at different minor Heads to the Head of Account mentioned above, so as to calculate the Interest on the said amounts.

6. The  Director  of  Treasuries  and  Accounts  is  requested  to  issue  suitable instructions to all the District Treasuries to follow the Head of Account for both receipts and payments as ordered in para 4 above, with immediate effect.

7. All the Head of Departments are requested to issue suitable instructions to all DDOs to follow the above Head of Account while issuing sanction orders for payment of amounts as well as receipts.

Download G.O.Ms.No. 110, Dt:19.05.2014.

G.O.Ms.No. 107, Dt:16-5-2014 :: Strike by Seemandra Employees of Gazetted & NonGazetted cadre - Regularization of Period of Strike as E.L. / E.L. to be earned / Eligible Leave

G.O.Ms.No. 107, Dt:16-5-2014 :: Public Services - Strike by Seemandra Employees of Gazetted & NonGazetted cadre - Regularization of Period of Strike as E.L. / E.L. to be earned / Eligible Leave - Orders - Issued.

Read the following:
1. Letter from theChairman, Joint Action Committee of Employees, Teachers, Workers and Pensioners, Andhra Pradesh, dated 24.2.2014.
2. G.A.Department U.O.Note No. 3197/SW.I/A2/2014-3, dated 15.3.2014.
3.G.O.Ms.No.33, Finance (FR.I) Deptt., dt.4-2-2014.

O R D E R:
1. The Government Employees of Gazetted & Non-Gazetted cadre and other cadres belonging to Seemandhra areawent on strike against the Division of the State of Andhra Pradesh from 6.2.2014 onwards.  The strike was called off on 20.2.2014.

2. In   the   reference 1st   read  above   the   Chairman,   Joint   Action Committee  of  Employees,  Teachers,  Workers  and  Pensioners,  Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad has requested the Government to treat the above period as per rules in vogue and precedents.

3. The Government, after careful examination of the issue, has decided to regularize the period as Earned Leave/Earned Leave to be earned. Accordingly, the period of absence of the employees and teachers who participated in the Strike from 6.2.2014 to 20.2.2014 is hereby ordered to be regularized as Earned Leaveif requested by the employee in writing.
Where   employees   do   not   have   adequate   Earned   Leave   in   their account,Earned leave to be earned be adjusted from the future credit ofthe Earned Leave for that employee.  In respect of employees retiring within the next year, if such employees do not have adequate Earned leave in their account any eligible leave be considered for sanction after exhausting available Earned leave.

4. All other conditions regarding sanction of leave and drawal of leave salary  etc.,  shall  be  on  the  analogy  of  the  guidelines  issued  in  the G.O.Ms.No.33, Finance (FR.I) Department, dated 4.2.2014.

Download G.O.Ms.No. 107, Dt:16-5-2014

G.O.Ms.No. 50, Dt: 17-05-2014 :: Maternity Leave to Married Women employees of APSWREIS Enhanced from 120 days to 180 days

G.O.Ms.No. 50, Dt: 17-05-2014 :: Social Welfare Department - Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society - Maternity Leave to Married Women employees of APSWREIS - Enhancement from 120 days to 180 days - Orders - Issued.

1) G.O.Ms.No.152 Finance (FR.1) Department dated: 04-05-2010.
2) From the Secretary, APSWREIS, Hyderabad,  Letter Rc.No.A1/HO/Estt/2348/2011, dated: 30-08-2011.

O R D E R:-
1. The Secretary, APSWREIS, Hyderabad, in his letter 2nd read above, has stated that as per the existing leave rules of the APSWREIS, the eligibility of maternity leave to women employees is 120 days. Consequent to implementation of RPS 2010, the Government has enhanced the Maternity Leave from 120 days to 180 days to the State Government women employees vide the G.O. first read above. The Government has extended the RPS 2010 to the Society employees. The Secretary, APSWREIS has therefore requested to Government to issue necessary orders extending the same to the women employees of the APSWREIS.
2. Government,   after   careful   examination   of   the   proposal,   hereby,   accord permission to the Secretary, APSWREIS to enhanced the maternity leave on full pay to married women employees of the APSWREIS from 120 days to 180 days, subject to the condition that it shall be granted to those with less than two surviving children only and on production of such certificate from Civil Surgeon.
3. These orders shall come into force with immediate effect.
4. Those women employees who are availing Maternity Leave of 120 days on the date of issue of GO may continue on the Maternity Leave till they complete 180 days of Maternity Leave. Those women employees who have already completed 120 days are not eligible to avail this benefit. The employees who have already availed 120 days of Maternity Leave and joined duty are not eligible to avail this benefit.
5. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (ESW) Department vide their U.O.No.9780/118/A2/ESW/2014, dt: 02-05-2014.

Download G.O.Ms.No. 50, Dt: 17-05-2014

RGUKT IIIT Admissions 2014 announced

The candidates should apply online either through RGUKT Website or APOnline services.

Online application through RGUKT Website:

The 'online' application and other details are available at the website The candidates are advised to

read the guidelines given on each item in the application form while filling it.

* Fee Payment: 

The registration fee for online submission of the application is Rs. 150/- (Rs.100/- for SC/ST candidates) can be paid through

A Crossed DD from any Public Sector Bank/Nationalised Bank/SBI and Associate Banks, drawn in favour of
RGUKT SBH A/C No. 62282402377 payable at Hyderabad.
Through the SBH Bank Challan (To be generated and printed as per guidelines kept in RGUKT website) through SBH

branches only) (Journal number given by the bank to be furnished in Online Application Form)
Through 'State Bank Collect' option of SBH Internet banking website (e-Receipt reference number generated, to be furnished in Online Application Form)
Through NEFT/Online remittance to SBH, RR District Collectorate Branch, Lakdikapool, Hyderabad to A/c No. 62282412273 IFSC No. SBHY0021044 from any Bank having Online/Core Banking facility. UTR(Unique Transaction Reference) number generated to be obtained from the bank and furnished in Online Application Form.

* Click on Application for Andhra Pradesh (forth coming states of Telangana and residuary AP) students
  A window will appear asking for details of school board, hall-ticket and date of birth.
  Fill the information and click on 'submit'.
  Then, some details of the candidate will appear on the screen.
  check the details & click on 'YES' and proceed
  If the details is incorrect, click 'NO'.
  Fill Details by pull-down window with different fields.

The candidates should submit the documentary proof for while sending 'printout of the application' (after the online submission of application) to the RGUKT.You will get 'Guidelines to fill' for every item on the right side of the screen. Please take their help in filling the online application.

 1. Fill the DD number/ SBH challan Journal No./ SBH 'State Bank Collect' e-receipt reference No. / UTR reference number
 2. click 'submit'.
 3. After submitting the application online, take a printout, sign it and send it along with
    a. Original Demand Draft / SBH Challan / State bank collect e-receipt and copies of certificates (listed below) to the            
                Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, 
                Vindya C-4, 
                IIIT Campus, 
         by Speed Post / Registered Post immediately so as to reach the hard copy of application before 21.06.2014(Last Date).

Applications received after this date shall not be considered for admissions. RGUKT is not responsible for postal delays.
Download and Print The Cover Leaf :

"Candidate must mention his/her name and Hall-ticket number on the left hand side of the envelope".
Online application through APOnline:

The applicants can send their online applications by availing the services of any "APOnline Centre" by paying Rs. 150/-, (in cash) for Other Castes (OC) and Other Backward Classes (OBC) and Rs.100/- (in cash) for SC /ST Candidates plus a service charge of Rs.15/- at the APOnline Centre. The centre will issue a receipt for the same.

List of Certificates to be enclosed:

Copies of the following certificates / documents should be sent along with the filled-in application form submitted through online:
* A crossed demand draft for Rs 150/- for Other Castes (OC) and Other Backward Classes (OBC) and Rs.100/- for SC/ST candidates in favour of RGUKT SBH A/c No.62282402377 (issued by any Public Sector Bank/Nationalised Bank/SBI and Associate Bank) (or) SBH Bank Challan (or) SBH Internet Banking (State Bank Collect) e-Receipt (or) the receipt issued by the APOnline services
* Hall Ticket of X standard
* Study Certificates from Fourth class to Tenth class/ Residence certificate by those claiming Local category (in any of AU/OU/SVU areas), (for details, see Annexure - III)
* Residence certificate / service certificate of parents by those claiming Non-Local category (for details, see Annexure - IV)
* GPA of 10th class Public Examination, i.e., SSC/CBSE/ICSE/NIOS.
* Proof of caste / community certificate (SC/ST/BC) in the prescribed proforma by those claiming reservation under any of these categories, (for details, see Annexure - V)
* Physically Handicapped (PH) certificate in the prescribed proforma by those claiming reservation under this category, (for details, see Annexure - VI)
* Children of Armed Forces (CAP) certificate in the prescribed proforma by those claiming reservation under this category, (for details, see Annexure - VII)
* NCC certificate by those claiming reservation under this category, (for details, see Annexure - VIII)
Sports certificate(s) at the level of inter-district and above by those claiming reservation under this category, (for details, see Annexure - VIII)

Admission Procedure

Admissions will be based on Grade Point Average (GPA) and Grade obtained in each subject and as per the Presidential Order. A deprivation score of 0.4 prescribed by the Government for the year 2014-15 under Statute 13 (3), shall be added to the 10th class GPA of applicants from non-residential Government Schools including the Zillaparishad and Municipal Schools for selection, with an objective of providing weightage to the socio economically challenged students for admission.

1. Eligibility:
Candidates should have passed SSC (10th class) or any other equivalent examination, recognized by the Government of A.P, conducted in 2014. Candidates should not have completed 18 years of age as on 31.12.2014, (21 years in case of students belonging to SC and ST categories)
Candidate should have applied for admission in the prescribed form, and sent the print copy of the online application submitted along with all the certificates to the Registrar, RGUKT, before 21.06.2014
International students shall be of Indian Nationality / Persons of Indian Origin (PIO)/ Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Card Holders

2. Rules of Reservation:
a) Admission to 85% of seats shall be reserved for 'local candidates' and the remaining 15% shall be un-reserved (see Annexure-1).
b) The seats reserved for the local candidates (85% of the available) will be distributed among the three regions namely, Andhra University, Osmania University and Sri Venkateswara University areas in the ratio of 42:36:22, respectively.
c) The rules of reservation are followed for both local and open categories. The reservations are applicable at the region level in respect of local candidates.
d) Reservations of seats : SC - 15%, ST - 6%, BC-A - 7%, BC-B - 10%, BC-C - 1%, BC-D - 7%, BC-E - 4% for both 'local' and 'unreserved' categories. Physically Handicapped (PH) - 3%, Children of Armed Personnel (CAP) - 2%, NCC - 1% and Sports - 0.5%. (These reservations are applicable at regional level except for CAP which is done at state-level).
e) Certificates issued by the respective District Board alone are acceptable. Model proformas are given for all the above categories in Annexures. Since the courses offered are technical in nature and require appropriate physical fitness, RGUKT reserves the right of rejecting the application of such candidates who are not fit to pursue the course.
f) A (horizontal) reservation of 33 1/3 % of seats in favor of women candidates in each category (OC/SC/ST/BC/Special Categories) shall be ensured, wherever women candidates are available.
g) In case of PH and CAP categories, certificates issued by the State Medical Board alone are acceptable. Model proformas are given for all the above categories in Annexures.

Selection Method

Admissions will be based on Grade Point Average (GPA) and Grade obtained in each subject and as per Presidential Order. A deprivation score of 0.4 prescribed by the Government for the year 2014-15 under Statute 13 (3), shall be added to the 10th class GPA of applicants from non-residential Government Schools including the Zillaparishad and Municipal Schools for selection, with an objective of providing weightage to the socio economically challenged students for admission.In case of a tie, the candidate who got a higher grade in the following order of subjects (i) Mathematics (ii) General Science (iii) English (iv) Social Studies (v) 1st Language (vi) Oldest candidate as per the Date of Birth and (vii) the lowest random number obtained from the hall ticket number, will be considered. That is, if the tie is resolved with any of the check in the chronological order mentioned above, the next option(s) need not be checked.

Annual Fee

The annual fee for the candidates who studied in schools in Andhra Pradesh is Rs.36,000/-
Students who are eligible for tuition fee reimbursement need not pay the tuition fee (students whose parental annual income is below Rs.1.0 lakh for non SC/ST category and below Rs.2.0 Lakh for SC/ST category and who fulfill the other conditions as per the latest Govt. Rules are eligible for fee reimbursement)
However , every student has to pay a registration fee of Rs.1,000/- (Rs.500/- for SC/ST students and a refundable caution deposit of Rs.2,000(by all) at the time of admission, that is a total of Rs.3,000/-

Admission of Students from other States and International Students

In order to promote diversity, up to 5% of seats will be added to the existing seats (supernumerary) and will be open to students belonging to other states other than Andhra Pradesh including the Children of Indian Workers in Gulf Countries / International and NRI students. Admission will be on the basis of their marks in 10th standard examination. Such candidates who got a minimum of 70% are eligible.
The annual fee for students from other states and Children of Indian Workers in Gulf Countries is Rs.1,36,000/-
The annual fee for International / NRI students is Rs.3,00,000/-
Applicants from the States other than Andhra Pradesh and Children of Indian Workers in Gulf Countries shall apply through RGUKT Website only.
The application fees for out of state candidate for the year 2014 is Rs.150/-.
The application fees for Children of Indian Workers in Gulf Countries for the year 2014 is US $ : 25.00.Top

Important Dates :

Last date for receiving online application by RGUKT : 16.06.2014 (from 5.00 PM)
Last date for submitting the printout of the on-line application : 21.06.2014 (upto 5.00 PM)
Display of Selection List for Counselling : 07.07.2014
Counselling dates for Special Categories(PH/CAP/NCC/Sports) : 17.07.2014 & 18.07.2014
Counseling dates at RGUKT campuses : 23.07.2014 & 24.07.2014
Counseling date at RGUKT campuses for Waitlisted Candidates : 27.07.2014
Commencement of classes for 2014 batch (Orientation) : 28.07.2014
*Dates are subjected to change without much advance intimation. RGUKT reserves the right to change or modify the
admission policy if any as per the Government Guidelines issued from time to time.

Helpline Numbers & e-mail:

BSNL - 1100
Toll-Free No - 18004251110
Basara Campus
Sri Rahman-8332987231
Sri Jayadev-8752255344
Nuzvid Campus
Dr. G. Ramakrishna Reddy - 08656235132
Sri N. Raja Gopal Reddy - 7382626391
RK Valley(Idupulapaya) Campus
Prof. K Venugopal Reddy - 08588 283649
Sri S. Hari Krishna - 9989019038


Annexure-I: Rules of Reservation for Admission
Annexure-II: Study Certificate in support of LOCAL Status
Annexure-III: Residence Certificate in support of LOCAL Status
Annexure-IV: Certificates in support of NON-LOCAL Status
Annexure-V: Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate
Annexure-VI: Medical Certificate in respect of PHYSICALLY HANDICAPED Candidates
Annexure-VII: For Candidate Claiming Reservation Under CAP Categroy
Annexure-VIII: Priorities for NCC and Sports and Games


Guidelines to fill the application will be displayed on the top right of the screen for each item. The same are given below.
When a candidate clicks on "Application for A.P. Students", Page -1 will appear asking for details of School Board, Hall-Ticket & Date of Birth
PAGE 1: Step /Section-wise guidelines to fill columns:
  1. School Board: Select the Board of 10th Standard studied from i.e., SSC/ CBSE/ OSSC/ ICSE/ NIOS.
  2. Hall Ticket Number: Enter your Hall Ticket Number of 10th Standard Examination in the column provided.
  3. Confirm Hall Ticket Number: Confirm by entering the Hall Ticket Number again. It should match with the Hall Ticket Number entered in the above column.
  4. Date of Birth: Select the Day, Month and Year from the given list.
  5. Click on submit to go to Page - 2.
PAGE 2: Step /Section-wise guidelines to fill columns: (For all Boards except "NIOS ")
  1. Some of your details will appear on the screen. They come from your School Board data.
  2. If all the details are correct click "Yes". You will go to Page - 3.
  3. If any of the details are incorrect click "No".
  4. Then a pull-down window with different fields will appear. Click "CORRECT" for all those which are correct and "INCORRECT" for all those which are not correct.
  5. Click "CONTINUE", you will go to Page - 3.
PAGE 3: Step /Section-wise guidelines to fill columns: STEP
  1. Mobile Number: This information is important and is required to communicate directly and/or sending SMS messages, whenever required. Hence, give the correct mobile number that you are using currently.
  2. Email (if available): Enter your e-mail ID. Ignore if you do not have any e-mail ID.
  1. Mode of Payment: Select the mode of payment
  2. Demand Draft (DD)/SBH challan journal/SBH i-collect Reference Number: Enter the Demand Draft(DD) Number. To know how to locate the number in your DD, please click the link beside the column for sample DD form.
  3. Confirm DD )/SBH challan journal/SBH i-collect Reference Number: Confirm DD Number, by entering it again. It should match with the above column of DD Number.
  4. Date of issue of DD)/SBH challan journal/SBH i-collect: Select the Day and Month on which the Demand Draft has been issued by a Bank.
  5. Name of the bank issuing the demand draft: Please select the name of the bank from which the DD was taken, from the list of given bank names. If the bank is not listed then select the option "Bank Not Listed", and fill the bank name in the blank column that appears.
  1. Passport Sized Photograph: To upload your photograph, please click on the Browse button and select the photograph. You need to upload your most recent passport sized (3.5cm X 3.5cm) photograph in JPEG/PNG format. File cannot exceed 1 MB.
  1. The filled data of SSC/ CBSE/ ICSE students is displayed at Step - 4. If any of the fields are not filled, fill them now.
  2. Select Yes/No option to let us know whether you have passed SSC or equivalent exam in first attempt.
  1. The filled data of SSC/ CBSE/ ICSE students is displayed at Step - 5. If any of the fields are not filled, fill them now.
  2. Mother's Name: Enter your Mother's Name in this column.
  3. Address for correspondence: Fill the address by entering the details of House Number, Street/Colony, Village/ Town/ City, Mandal/ Municipality, District and Pin code.
  1. Select your status i.e., Local or Non-Local by selecting the option.
    If you are a Local candidate, select further to which local area you belong to from the three 'Local' areas (AU/OU/SVU).
    If you select Non-Local, please select the basis for your non-local status by clicking the next two items (Parental Residence/ Parental present employment).
  1. If the field is not filled already, fill it now with the reservation category claim if any, like BC-A, BC-B, BC-C, BC-D, BC-E, SC or ST after clicking on "Yes" Button.
  1. Special Category Details: Select Yes/No option to let us know your special category reservation claim like physically handicapped (PH), Children of Armed Personnel (CAP), NCC, or Sports category. And if Yes is selected, please give further details regarding the category.
  1. Annual Income of Parents: Select "Up to one Lakh" if the annual income of parents is below 1 Lakh or select "More than one Lakh", if income is more than one Lakh.
STEP 10:
  1. Campus Preferences: You shall give your preference for the center (Basara/Nuzvid/RK Valley) in your order of priority.
NOTE: Once you complete filling the application form, select the confirmation statement that the details provided by you are true and correct and Click on SUBMIT Button present at the bottom of the page.

Online Application  Will be Activated on 21-05-2014


18 May, 2014

G.O.Ms.No. 103, Dt:15.05.2014 :: Dearness Relief (DR) @71.904% to Pensioners with effect from 01.01.2014

G.O.Ms.No. 103, Dt:15.05.2014 :: Pension - Dearness Relief to Pensioners with effect from 01.01.2014 - Revised - Orders - Issued.

1.     G.O.Ms.No.52, Finance (PC.I) Department, dated 25.02.2010.
2.     G.O.Ms.No.100, Finance (Pen.I) Department, dated 06-04-2010.
3.     Memo.No.3630/UE.II/2010-2, Higher Education (UE.II) Department, Dated 07-04-2010.
4.     G.O.Ms.No.248, Finance (PC.I) Department, dated 07.07.2010.
5.     G.O.Ms.No.249, Finance (Pen.I) Department, dated 07.07.2010.
6.     G.O.Ms.No.356, Finance (PC.I) Department, dated 06.12.2010.
7.     G.O.Ms.No.358, Finance (Pen.I) Department, dated 09.12.2010.
8.     G.O.Ms.No.104 Finance (PC.I) Department, dated 30.05.2011.
9.     G.O.Ms.No.106, Finance (Pen.I) Department, dated 04-06-2011.
10.   G.O.Ms.No.25, Finance (PC.I) Department, dated 02.02.2012.
11.   G.O.Ms.No.32, Finance (Pen.I) Department, dated 03.02.2012.
12.   G.O.Ms.No.48, Finance (Pen.I) Department, dated 24.02.2012.
13.   G.O.Ms.No.178, Finance (PC.I) Department, dated 04.07.2012.
14.   G.O.Ms.No.179, Finance (Pen.I) Department, dated 05.07.2012.
15.   G.O.Ms.No.297, Finance (PC.I) Department, dated 14.11.2012.
16.   G.O.Ms.No.298, Finance (Pen.I) Department, dated 15.11.2012.
17.   G.O.Ms.No.136, Finance (PC.I) Department, dated 11.06.2013.
18.   G.O.Ms.No.138, Finance (Pen.I) Department, dated 13.06.2013.
19.   G.O.Ms.No.294, Finance (PC.I) Department, dated 26.10.2013.
20.   G.O.Ms.No.296, Finance (Pen.I) Department, dated 28.10.2013.
21.   G.O.Ms.No.102, Finance (PC.I) Department, dated 14.05.2014.

O R D E R:

1. Government hereby order the revision of rates of Dearness Relief to pensioners sanctioned in the G.O. 20th read above from 63.344% to 71.904% from 01.01.2014 in respect of: -

(i) those  who  retired  from  service  after 01.07.2008  and  drawing pension in the Revised Pay Scales, 2010;

(ii) those  who  retired  prior  to 01.7.2008  and  whose  pension  was consolidated in the light of orders issued in the G.O. 2nd read above.

2. Government also hereby order the revision of rates of Dearness Relief from 163.908% to 179.922% with effect from 01.01.2014 to the Pensioners who are drawing their pension in Revised Pay Scales, 2005 and not consolidated in terms of the orders issued in the reference 2nd read above.

3. Government also hereby order the revision of rates of Dearness Relief from 172.598% to 186.504% with effect from 01.01.2014 to the Pensioners who are drawing their pension in Revised Pay Scales, 1999 and not consolidated in terms of the
orders issued in G.O.(P) No.248, Finance (Pen.I) Department, dated 04.10.2005.

4. Government also hereby order the revision of rates of Dearness Relief in respect of pensioners who retired after 01.01.1996 drawing UGC Pay Scales 1996 from 183% to 200% with effect from 01.01.2014 since the Dearness Relief was regulated upto
01.01.2007 by merging 50% Dearness Relief with basic pension through G.O (P) No.183 Finance (Pen.I) Department dated 2.8.2007 based on the orders issued in G.O. (P) No.173 Finance (PC.I) Department dated 23.7.2007.

5. Government also hereby order the revision of rates of Dearness Relief to the pensioners who retired while drawing UGC Pay Scales 2006 from 01.01.2006 from 90% to 100% with effect from 01.01.2014.
6. Government also hereby order the revision of rates of Dearness Relief to the pensioners/family pensioners whose pension was consolidated as per orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.54,   Higher   Education (UE.II)   Department,   dated 08.06.2011   and G.O.Ms.No.31, Higher Education (UE.II) Department, dated 24.05.2013 from 90% to 100% with effect from 01.01.2014.

7. Government also hereby order the revision of rates of Dearness Relief sanctioned in G.O.Ms.No.4 Law (Law & J-SC.F) Department dated 06.01.2011 to the Pensioners who drawing pension as per Justice E.Padmanabhan Committee report from 90% to 100% with effect from  01.01.2014.

8.These orders are applicable to:
(1) (a)   All Government Pensioners in receipt of Service Pensions, Family Pensions  under  Revised  Pension  Rules, 1951,  Andhra  Pradesh Liberalised  Pension Rules, 1961 and Andhra Pradesh Government Servants (Family  Pension) Rules, 1964.
     (b) Teaching and Non-Teaching pensioners of Municipalities, Panchayat Raj Institutions and Aided Educational Institutions, in receipt  of pensions under the Andhra Pradesh Liberalised Pension Rules, 1961 and Andhra Pradesh Government Servants (Family Pension) Rules, 1964.
      (c) Teaching and Non-Teaching staff in Aided Educational Institutions in receipt of pensions under the Contributory Provident Fund-cum-Pension and Gratuity Rules, 1961 and Andhra Pradesh Liberalised Pension Rules, 1961.
      (d) Those  drawing  family  pensions  under  G.O.Ms.No.22,  Finance  & Planning (FW: Pen.I) Department, dated 16.1.1971, G.O.Ms.No.104, Finance & Planning (FW: Pen.I) Department, dated 13.4.1973 and G.O.Ms.No.25, Finance & Planning (FW: Pen.I) Department, dated 2.2.1974.
      (e) Pensioners in receipt of Compassionate Pension under the rules for Compassionate  Pensions  and  Gratuities  in  the  Hyderabad  Civil Services Rules; and
       (f) Those in receipt of Pensions under the Wound and Extraordinary Pension Rules.
(2) Jagir and Estate Pensioners and
(3) Pensioners governed by Andhra Pradesh Revised Pension Rules, 1980.

9. These orders are not applicable to the financial assistance grantees and others who are not entitled to Dearness Relief.

10. Ready Reckoner showing the Dearness Relief payable to the State Pensioners in terms of these orders is annexed.

11. The amount of Dearness Relief shall be rounded off to the next rupee.

12. The arrears of the Revised Dearness Relief to Pensioners shall be paid along with the pension of May, 2014 payable on 24th May, 2014.

13. All the Treasury Officers/ Pension Payment Officers shall work out and make payments of the Dearness Relief on Pension sanctioned in this order without waiting for further authorization/ instructions from the Accountant General (A&E), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, in terms of the orders issued in the G.O.Ms.No.270, Finance & Planning (FW: PSC.I) Department, dated 7.10.1986.

14. The  expenditure  is  allocable  among  the  various  States  in  accordance  with provisions of Rule 24 of the incidence of pension rules in Appendix III-B of the Andhra Pradesh Accounts Code, Volume-I.

15. The categories of employees who are not covered for payment through the Treasuries, the expenditure shall be debited to the Pension Funds of Zilla Parishads and Pension funds of the respective Municipal Councils in so far as the Non-Teaching, Non-Government Pensioners of the Municipalities are concerned and the relevant Head of Account of Government in so far as the teachers are concerned.

16. In respect of the Pensioners of the Universities the expenditure on account of  the Dearness Relief now sanctioned above shall be met from the Block Grants allotted to them.

Download G.O.Ms.No.103, Dt:15.05.2014 with DR Tables