
29 April, 2014

AUDIT FOR SCHOOLS NOT ATTENDED for Prakasam District During first and second phases is on 4.5.14 @ RVM, ONGOLE

AUDIT FOR SCHOOLS NOT ATTENDED During first and second phases, was scheduled on 04TH MAY 2014 -AT RVM OFFICE ONGOLE

For SMC,MRC,CRC 's WHO have not attended FOR Audit or who have not completed Audit AS per schedule given are requested To attend the Audit on 04th May 2014 AT RVM office ongole.

All MEO's are requested to send the Hrad Masters who have not attended for Audit to Ongole RVM office On 04th May 2014

Note : This Audit is Only for The Mandals for Whom Audit schedule is given.

For more det
Certified in Forensic accounting and Fraud detection
Mob: 8374799955

FINAL AUDIT SCHEDULE FOR SMC Accounts of Prakasam District


1     Marturu        09-05-2014
2     Ballikurva     10-05-2014
3     S.Magulur     12-05-2014
4     Mundlamur  13-05-2014
5     C.S.Puram    14-05-2014


1     Karamchedu   09-05-2014
2     Parchur          10-05-2014
3     Inkollu           12-05-2014
4     J.Pangulur      13-05-2014
5     Yeddanapudi  14-05-2014


1     Podili             09-05-2014
2     Darsi              10-05-2014
3     Marripudi       12-05-2014
4     Korisapadu     13-05-2014
5     Tallur              14-05-2014


Certified in Forensic accounting and Fraud detection
Mob: 8374799955
Land line:040-27612101

Details to be submitted to Auditor

ICET-2014 Hall Tickets

Now candidates can download AP ICET HALLTICKETS from

28 April, 2014

Get your polling station details from the following link

Get your polling station details from the following link by giving the details of
1. Name of the State / UT.
2. Name of the District.
3. Name of the Assembly Constituency.
4. Team code Number as per your Election Duty Order.

Know your polling station

27 April, 2014

G.O.Ms.No.119,Dated:25-04-2014 :: Sanction of Special C.L to the P.O's and A.P.O's on the next day of poll

G.O.Ms.No.119, Dt:25-04-2014 :: ELECTIONS - General/Bye Elections to House of People and Andhra Pradesh Legislature (Assembly and Council) - Sanction of Special Casual Leave to the Presiding Officers and Assistant Presiding Officers on the next day of poll - Orders - Issued.

Representation of Sri K.Seetaramam, Hyderabad, dt:10-04-2014

O R D E R:
In reference read above, it has been represented that the Presiding Officers and Assistant Presiding Officers of a polling booth have to hand over the Polled Ballot Boxes/EVMs & all other material at appropriate reception centers in the mid night of the poll day and they are not able to reach their home upto 1.00 am or 2.00 am and it has been requested to sanction a Special Casual Leave on the next day of poll as a special case and to arrange to issue necessary orders in the matter.

2. Government, after careful examination of the matter, have decided toaccept the said request.

3. Accordingly, all the leave sanctioning authorities of the Personnel, who have been drafted as Presiding Officers and Assistant Presiding Officers are, hereby directed to grant Special Casual Leave on the next day of poll to their staff members, whose services have been utilized as Presiding Officers and Assistant Presiding Officers during the General/Bye Elections to House of People and AP Legislature (both Assembly and Council Constituencies) on production of a  leave  letter  together  with  the  Election  duty  Certificate  issued  by  the concerned Returning Officer at reception centre for the said purpose.

4. All the District Election Officers are requested to direct all the Returning Officers to issue an “Election Duty Certificate” in the format appended to this order, to all the Presiding Officers and Assistant Presiding Officers, who have actually attended the duty in Polling Station, at the reception centre after handing over all the relevant election material so as to enable them to avail the said Special Casual Leave. The reserve Presiding Officers and Assistant Presiding Officers are not entitled for this facility.

5. All the Departments of Secretariat / Heads of Departments / District Election  Officers  are  requested  to  communicate  these  instructions  to  all concerned,  particularly,  the  leave  sanctioning  authorities  of  the  Presiding Officers and Assistant Presiding Officers from which Department / Office they have been drafted for the election duty, for taking further action.


(G.O.Ms.No.119, G.A.(Elec.B) Dept.,  dated:25-04-2014)

Election Duty Certificate for availing Special Casual Leave on the next day of Poll

This is to certify that Sri/Smt/Kum. _____________ S/o / D/o __________ working as ________________ in the Office of ______________ has been drafted for election duty as Presiding Officer / Assistant Presiding Officer during the
election held for _______________  Parliamentary / Assembly Constituency on ____________ and he / she has attended the said duty at the Poling Station No._______________ . He / She is entitled to avail the Special Casual Leave on the next day of Poll i.e. on ___________ under the provisions of G.O.Ms.No. ___, GA(Elec.B) Dept., Dt:25-04-2014.

         Returning Officer
(Signature / Facsimile and seal)

Download G.O.Ms.No.119,Dated:25-04-2014

G.O.Rt.No. 100, Dt:26-04-2014 :: Admission into Class V for the academic year 2014-15 in Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Andhra Pradesh BC Welfare Residential Schools in the State run under the control of MJPAPBCWREI Society, Hyd

G.O.Rt.No. 100, Dt:26-04-2014 :: Backward Classes Welfare Department -Admission into Class V for the academic year 2014-15  in Mahatma  Jyothiba  Phule  Andhra  Pradesh  Backward  Classes  Welfare Residential  Schools  in  the  State  run  under  the  control  of    MJPAPBCWREI  Society, Hyderabad - Wide Publicity - Orders - Issued.

1. Govt. Memo No.907/E/E2/2014-1, Dated:15-04-2014, BCWD.
2. DIPR RO No:14P/CL/Advt/1/1/2014-15, Dt.24-04-2014 of Commissioner, I&PR Department.

Backward Classes Welfare Department is maintaining 50 B.C Residential Schools under the control of Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Andhra Pradesh Backward Classes Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (MJPAPBCWREIS), Hyderabad. 21 BCW Residential Schools are meant for Girls and 29 BCW Residential Schools are for Boys. Out of 50 Schools, 5 institutions located at Amalapuram (Boys) (E.G), Mopidevi (Boys) (Krishna), Golgamudi (Girls) (PSR Nellore) Satyavedu (Boys), (Chittoor), and Kowdiapally (Boys) (Medak) are meant for the children belonging to Fishermen Community.

2. Government have decided to follow the existing procedure and issued orders vide Memo 1st read above to take up admissions during the academic year 2014-15 on random selection basis (lottery) in each district. In the reference 2nd read above, applications were called for from the eligible candidates for admission into V Class in MJPAPBCWR Schools in the State for the academic year 2014-15. The eligibility criteria for admission into the above schools are as follows:-
(i) The students belonging to SC/ST born between 01-09-2001 and 31-08-2005, BC/EBC students born between 01-09-2003 and 31-08-2005 are eligible.
(ii)  The students who have completed IV Class in the same District in any Govt. / Recognized  Schools  during  2013-14  are  eligible.    They  must  produce  Study Certificates and Transfer Certificate (T.C) at the time of counseling, and the same if  found  false,  the  admission  will  be  cancelled  without  any  intimation  and assigning any reason.
(iii) Parental / Guardian Annual Income shall not exceed Rs.1,00,000/-

For complete details they can visit the official website (, prior to filing the application online.

3   (i)  On verification of the above mentioned eligibility criteria, eligible students, can apply online on payment of Rs.50/- in any Mee Seva (or) AP Online centre during the period from 26-04-2014 to 25-05-2014.  The data submission through online
system should be done carefully.  No representation for change of name or caste afterwards shall be accepted after their admission.
3   (ii) The admission pattern into B.C Residential Schools is as follows

3   (iii) The following facilities shall be provided to the students.
Diet Charges:
  Rs.750/- p.m. to the students up to 7th Standard.
    Rs.850/- p.m. to the students from 8th to 10th Standard.
Cosmetic Charges: Rs.50/- p.m. for Boys of all classes.
Rs.55/- p.m. for Girls up to 7th class / 11 years of age.
Rs.75/- p.m. from 8th Class /above 11 years of age.
Barber Charges:
Rs.12/- p.m. for Boy students of all classes will be spent.
Bedding Material:
One Carpet and One Bed Sheet.

Three pairs of Uniform and one Track Suit.
Note Books and Text Books will be supplied at free of cost.

3   (iv)    It is observed that during the academic year 2012-13, 1211 students appeared for 10th standard examinations from the above Residential Schools in the State.  Out  of  which, 1207  students  passed  the  examination  with  a  pass
percentage of 99.67%. 29 schools achieved 100% results and 41 students secured 10 out of 10 GPA (Grade Points Average).

3   (v)  The lists of BC Residential Schools for Boys and Girls and the Phone Numbers of the Principals are as follows:

3   (vi) Government have decided to give wide publicity of the admission notification to reach to the children of rural areas to enable them to apply for admission.
3   (vii)  In view of the above Government hereby order to display a copy of their GO/ Notification issued by the Secretary, MJPAPBCWREIS in the offices of all the District Collectors / Joint Collectors /CEO, Z.P / PD (DRDA) /PD (DWMA) / DEOs / JD/DD (SW)/DD /DBCWO (BCW) / DTWOs /ED (BC Corporation) / ED (SC Corporation)/ ED (Minorities) / BCWOs / ASWOs /ATWOs / Thaisildars / MDOs/  MEOs  /  HWOs  of  all  Welfare  Hostels  /  Village  Secretaries  (PR  & Revenue) /  VROs  and  see  that  the  message  is  reaches  to  the  concerned students. Notification is available in the website (

3   (viii) The District Collectors are also requested to take necessary action to give wide publicity to the admission notification into V Class of MJPAPABCW Residential Schools and issue instructions to display the notification in all Sub-Ordinate Offices and other District Officers notice boards.

Download G.O.Rt.No. 100, Dt:26-04-2014

25 April, 2014

Rc.No.1777/A1/MS/RMSA/2013, Dated: 07.04.2014 :: Instructions on Sanction of Maternity Leave / PaternityLeave to the Principals / PGTs / TGTs working in Model Schools

Rc.No.1777/A1/MS/RMSA/2013, Dated: 07.04.2014 :: AP Model Schools Sanction of Maternity Leave / PaternityLeave to the Principals / PGTs / TGTs working in Model Schools in Andhra Pradesh - Certain instructions issued - Reg.

From the District Educational Officer & Ex-Officio, DPC, RMSA,Adilabad,Lr.No.R1 /RMSA/MS-14/2013, dt: 12.9.2013.

All, the  District  Educational  Officers in the state except Hyderabad and West Godavari are informed that the Proposals are being received from the District Educational Officers for sanction of maternity leave and paternity leave to Principals /  PGTs / TGTs working in the AP Model Schools. They are therefore informed that the service rules of Principals / PGTs / TGTs are yet to be finalized by the Government. To avoid hardship in sanctioning of maternity / paternity leave in absence of  service rules District Educational Officers are requested to sanction maternity / paternity leave to the Principals / PGTs / TGTs working in AP Model Schools under AP Leave Rules 1933.
All the DEOs in the State.are also informed that Principals / PGTs / TGTs are eligible for. casual leaves / optional holidays / Special Casual Leaves on par with the Teaching staff working in ZP / Government Schools in the State.
Further they are informed that the orders will be reviewed on approval of service rules to the Principals / PGTs / TGTs of the Model Schools.

Download Rc.No.1777/A1/MS/RMSA/2013, Dated: 07.04.2014

Final cadre strength of all posts of Prakasam District as on 23.04.2014

Here you can download the Final cadre strength of all posts of Prakasam District as per the information provided by MEO's, and which was submitted to DSE, AP, Hyderabad for the purpose of Bifurcation of State of Andhrapradesh into two states. This information is collected in Prakasam Dist as on 23.04.2014.

To finalize the above information the 56 Mandals cadre strength was previously sent to MEO's for Correction and that file also attached here with for your Download.

56 Mandals cadre strength For MEO's Verification

Final cadre strength of all posts of Prakasam District

24 April, 2014


Audit Schedule -Second phase of praksam district is given below All the SMC/CRC/MRC in the mandals have to attend for Audit With out fail.

Date wise mandals coverage is given below. All the Head masters have to attend the 2013-14 audit program for 100% school audit.

The venue of the audit is concern mandal MRC

DATE                 MANDAL
25/04/2014      SN PADU

26/04/2014      CHIMAKURTHY
28/04/2014      MADDI PADU
29/04/2014      ADDANKI
30/04/2014      NG PADU
2/5/2014          CHINAGANJAM
3/5/2014          VETAPALEM
5/5/2014          CHIRALA


DATE                 MANDAL

25/04/2014       TARLUPADU
26/04/2014       GIDDALURLU
28/04/2014       PULLALACHERVU

29/04/2014       BESTAVARIPETA
30/04/2014       MARKAPURAM
2/5/2014           ARDHAVEEDU
3/5/2014           KK MITLA
5/5/2014           KURICHEDU

DATE                  MANDAL

25/04/2014        HMPADU
26/04/2014        RACHERLA
28/04/2014        KOMAROLU
29/04/2014        CUMBUM
30/04/2014        TARLUPADU
2/5/2014            PEDDARAVEEDU
3/5/2014            DORNALA
5/5/2014            DONAKONDA

Details to be given for audit

For further details Contact


Certified in Forensic accounting and Fraud detection
Mob: 8374799955
Land line:040-27612101

23 April, 2014

Professional Advancement Test ( PAT) Result held in Dec 2013

Candidates those who applied for Professional Advancement Test ( PAT) held in Dec 2013 can download the DISTRICT WISE RESULT sheet from the following link.

PAT DEC 2013 Districtwise Result

20 April, 2014

SMC Audit schedule phase I Released for Prakasam Dist

SMC AUDIT Phaze I will be conducted for 2013-14 from  18-4-14 to 24.4.14.

Details to be given to Auditors for 2013-14 Audit

The following to be circulated to concerned MIS coordinators,MEO and school head masters

1) Receipt and payment account -(format attached )
2)Copy of Bank passbook

Details to be given to Auditor

Details of auditor is:
FCA DISA (ICAI) Certified in Forensic accounting and Fraud detection,
Mob: 8374799955
Land line:040-27612101

Be ready with
(1) BANK STATEMENTS/PASS B00K FROM 1-4-13 TO 31-3-14

PHASE I Audit schedule for prakasam district:

1. Ongole, Tangutur - 18.4.2014

2. Kothapatnam, Singarayakonda, Zarugumalli - 19.4.14

3. Kondapi, Ulavapadu - 21.4.14

4. Gudluru, Kandukur-22.4.14

5. Lingasamudram,Ponnalur.V.V.Palem-23.4.14

6. Kanigiri, Pamur-24.4.14

Download FIRST PHASE AUDIT SCHEDULE of Prakasam District.for SMC grants of 2013-14

G.O.Ms.No. 75 , Dt:03-04-2014 :: APTC Volume – II – Bill Forms for drawal of money from the Treasury

G.O.Ms.No. 75 , Dt:03-04-2014 :: Andhra Pradesh Treasury Code Volume – II – Bill Forms for drawal of moneys from the Treasury – Further orders – Issued.

Read the following:-
1. G.O.Ms.No.87, Finance (TFR) Department, dt:31-01-2002.
2. U.O.Note No.30987-A/612/TFR.I/2004, dt:10-12-2004.
3. Cir.Memo No.3250/487/A1/TFR.1/2008, dt:13-03-2009.
4. Lr.No.M1(2)/10670/2013, dt:21/12/2013 of the DTA., A.P., Hyderabad.

O R D E R :-
1. Orders have been issued in the references 1st to 3rd read above, indicating the Bill Forms for drawal of moneys from the Treasury.

2. The Director of Treasuries & Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad in the reference 4th read above, has informed that the District Treasury, Hyderabad (U) is authorized to admit and audit the claims meant for adjustment to P.D. Account, whereas in the BROs of those claims the procedure for drawl of claims is being mentioned as fully vouchered bill and the bill form is noted as Grant-in-Aid Bill i.e., APTC form 102. APTC Form 58 is prescribed for fully vouched Contingent Bill and such bill is not preferred for adjustment to the P.D. Account. Therefore she has requested the Government to arrange specific mention of adjustment to the P.D. Account and the Bill Form to be used in the BRO’s.

3. Government after careful examination of the proposal in the reference 4th read above, Government hereby issue further orders, in continuation of the orders issued in the references 1st to 3rd read above, as ANNEXED to this order.

4. All the Finance (Expenditure) Sections are requested to indicate the Drawal procedure, specifically as Annexed to this order, while issuing Budget Release Orders.

Download G.O.Ms.No.75 , Dt:03-04-2014

18 April, 2014

G.O.Ms.No : 84, Dt:17.04.2014 :: Continuation of services of the contract and outsourcing personnel working in various Government Departments up to 30.06.2014

G.O. Ms. No : 84, Dt:17.04.2014 :: Personnel hired on Contract / Outsourcing - Further continuation of services of the contract and outsourcing personnel working in various Government Departments up to 30.06.2014 - Orders - Issued.

Read the following
1. G.O.Rt.No.4271, Finance (SMPC) Dept, dt:01.01.2008.
2. Cir. Memo No. 9522-A/417/A1/SMPC.II/13 dated 13.9.2013
3. A.P. Reorganisation Act 2014 (Act 6 of 2014)

1. In addition to the recruitment of regular employees, Government has also been according  permission  to  various  departments  for  engaging  personnel  on  contract/ outsourcing basis to meet the short-term manpower requirements in their establishments. Detailed instructions were issued in the G.O. first read above laying down certain norms relating to the appointment and the remuneration payable and other terms and conditions of contract and outsourcing.
2. As per the above instructions all departments are required to obtain approval of the Finance Department for engaging the services of any individual either on contract or outsourcing  basis.  As  these  arrangements  are  intended  for  meeting  the  short-term requirements, it is necessary to review the need for continuation of such personnel periodically. However, contrary to the above instructions certain departments have made engaged the services of individuals on contract and outsourcing basis without obtaining prior approval of the Finance Department and sometimes without following any due process and compliance with the Constitutional and statutory provisions.
3. Notwithstanding these shortcomings, the Government had issued a general order continuing  the  services  of  persons  working  on  contractual  and  outsourcing  on humanitarian considerations until March 31, 2014, vide Finance Department Circular Memo No.6522-A/417/A1/SMPC.II/2013, dt.13.09.2013. This extension was granted to all posts that were reviewed and cleared by the Finance department. However, the granted therein was not extended to the cases where the initial appointment was not done with the Finance department’ concurrence.
4. In the reference third cited, the Government of India has notified the Andhra
Pradesh Re-organisation Act, 2014, which envisages bifurcation of the existing State of Andhra Pradesh into States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana on the Appointed Day of June 02, 2014. As the new Governments of both the successor states may need some time to take a policy decision on further continuance of the services of persons working on contractual and outsourced basis and to avoid hardship to those working on contract / outsourced basis on March 31, 2014, the Government has decided to extend the services of all the existing persons working on contract / outsourced basis until June 30, 2014.
5. Accordingly, Government hereby order that the services of those persons working
on contract / outsourced basis on March 31, 2014, with the prior approval of the Finance Department, is hereby extended upto June 30, 2014, subject to the following conditions:
i) The renewal of contract / outsourcing engagement for the period between April
01 and June 30, 2014 should be on the existing terms & conditions and no revision shall be done under any circumstance.
ii) This extension is limited to those working on March 31, 2014, in the posts and
with the terms and conditions approved by the Finance Department.
iii) Instructions/guidelines of the Government with reference to outsourcing/
contract performance be followed scrupulously.
iv) These orders do not confer any right on any functionary for continuance after
bifurcation of the state on June 02, 2014.
6. The actual number of employees, category wise and unit wise to be allocated to the successor states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh will be issued in due course in consultation with the Departments concerned.
7. All the Secretariat Departments shall collect the data relating to all the Heads of
Departments and the autonomous institutions and other entities and prepare the lists for each state separately and furnish to this department latest by April 30, 2014. The information has to be furnished in the form of an excel sheet in the proforma enclosed and emailed to
8. All the Departments of Secretariat and all Heads of Departments are requested to take further necessary action.

Download G.O. Ms. No : 84, Dt:17.04.2014

16 April, 2014

G.O.Ms.No. 8, Dt: 09.04.2014 :: Establishment of a Sainik School at Kalikiri, Chittoor District w.e.f 1st April, 2014

G.O.Ms.No. 8, Dt: 09.04.2014 :: SAINIK SCHOOLS-Establishment of a Sainik School at Kalikiri, Chittoor District - Operation of the Saink School with effect from 1st April, 2014 – Notification – Issued.
                                                      Read the following:
1. MOA entered between President of India, acting through Shri Rabindra Prasad, Dy. Secretary, Ministry of Defence and  the Governnor of State of Andhra Pradesh, acting through DR. R.Satyanarayana, Commissioner & Director of School Education, dt.4/3/2011.
2. Lr.D.O.No.1 (25)/SSS/2013, dt. 12/2/2014 of the Joint Secretary to Government of India, Ministry of Defence.
3. From the Comissioner & Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad , Lr.Rc.No.991/B1-1/2011, dt. 13/3/2014 & 21/3/2014.

           In exercise of powers conferred under Memorandum of Agreement entered with the Ministry of Defence, Government of India, Government of A.P.,
hereby issue the following  notification:


   In exercise of the powers conferred under Memorandum of Agreement, dated 4/3/2011, Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby notify that the Sainik School, Kalikiri, Chittoor District comes into operation w.e.f. 1st April, 2014.  All other terms and conditions in respect of fee and admission of students, scholarship etc shall be subject to conditions stipulated in Memorandum of Agreement
2.     The notification shall be published in the ensuing  A.P. Gazette.

Download G.O.Ms.No. 8, Dt: 09.04.2014

AP Polytechnic Common Entrance Test (POLYCET) 2014 announced

Department of Technical Education Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad has recently announced the AP CEEP 2014 POLYCET Notification Polytechnic Common Entrance Test (CET) Exam Schedule. This CEEP
2014 CET exam is conducting every year regularly by Department of Technical Education AP. Through This AP CEEP 2014 POLYCET Notification Polytechnic Common Entrance Test (CET) Exam the department will fill up Diploma in Engineering (Various Disciplines) and some more other Technical courses Seats in Government & Private Polytechnic colleges. This AP CEEP 2014 POLYCET Notification Polytechnic Common Entrance Test (CET) Exam is issued admissions for 2014-15 academic years. This notification Schedule will be appeared at Department of Technical education Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad's official website.

We are giving some important details like, Schedule dates, eligibility, How to apply, etc of the above AP CEEP 2014 POLYCET Notification Polytechnic Common Entrance Test (CET) Exam Schedule.. The details are shortly mentioned below.

Students who are passed in 10th class in all subjects are only eligible to apply for PolyCET 2014.Students who are compartment passed in SSC are also eligible, so, students who are interested and eligible can apply for PolyCET 2014 exam via online mode or offline mode. SBTET invited application forms from the eligible students, the application forms will be made available from the official website of SBTET.

For more details like, Results, Rank Card, Answer Key, Hall Ticket etc &all latest up dates about this AP CEEP 2014 POLYCET Notification Polytechnic Common Entrance Test (CET) Exam Schedule. Keep visit below official website.

AP POLYCET (CEEP) 2014 Open Online Registration: April-06th-2014
AP POLYCET 2014 Close Online Registration: April-28th-2014
AP POLYCET 20014 Hall Ticket Admit Card Download start: May-10th-2014
AP POLYCET 20014 Exams Conducted On: May-21st-2014
AP POLYCET 20014 Exams Results Released on: June-06th-2014

AP POLYCET 2014 CEEP Online Application, Notification Official Website:

AP POLYCET 2014 CEEP  Notification

15 April, 2014

G.O.M.s.No. 76, Dt: 4.4.14 :: APGLI Bonus of Rs. 100/- per thousand sum assured per annum be allotted on polices were in force between 01-04-2008 to 31-03-2011

G.O.M.s.No.76, Dt:4.4.14 :: Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance Department – Valuation of the Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance Fund for the period from
01.04.2008 to 31.03.2011 – Declaration of Simple reversionary bonus to the policy holders of Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance Department – Acceptance of recommendations of the Actuary – Orders – Issued.

1. G.O.Ms.No.290, Finance (Admn.II) Department, dt. 19.10.2013.
2. Lr.No.15/General-I/2013-2014, dated:10.02.2014 of Director of
Insurance, A.P., Hyderabad.

1. In the reference 1st read above, orders were issued declaring the bonus for the triennium from 01.04.2005 to 31.03.2008.
2. In the reference 2nd read above, the Director of Insurance in his letter has proposed for declaration of bonus for the triennium for 01-04-2008 to 31-03-2011 based on the report of the Actuary.
3. After considering the report of the Actuary, and the recommendations of the Director of Insurance, on the results of Valuation of Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance Fund for the triennium from 01-04-2008 to 31-03-2011, Government hereby permit the Director of Insurance to declare the following bonus.
a. A simple reversionary Bonus of Rs. 100/- per thousand sum
assured per annum be allotted for each full month, during which
the polices were in force between 01-04-2008 to 31-03-2011, in
respect of policies which were in force on 31-03-2011. However,
such of these policies which resulted into claim by death or
maturity on or after the declaration of previous valuation results (for the triennium 2005-2008) and before the present valuation results are declared, are not allowed any bonus now as they were settled on the basis of interim bonus at the rates recommended in the previous valuation report.
b. In respect of policies which become claims by death or maturity on or after the date of declaration of present valuation results and before the next valuation results are declared, interim bonus be allotted for each full month for which such policy is in force during the period from 01.04.2011 to the date of death or end of the policy as the case may be, at the rate of Rs 100/- per thousand sum assured per annum. In respect of policies surrendered during the above period, interim bonus is paid provided the policy is in force on the next valuation date also i.e. interim bonus is not paid for broken period of a valuation triennium.
4. The above bonus rates shall be applicable to the claims arisen on or after the date of issue of this order.
5. The Director of Insurance, A.P., Hyderabad shall take necessary action in the matter accordingly.

Download G.O.M.s.No.76, Dt:4.4.14

13 April, 2014

Memo No. 999-B/245/A1/BG.I/2014, Date : 04 -04-2014 :: Centrally Sponsored State Plan Schemes under GH 12

Memo No. 999-B/245/A1/BG.I/ /2014, Date : 04 -04-2014 :: Budget - 2014 - 15 (vote on account) Admission of Bills under GH 12-Centrally Assisted State Plan Schemes   Instructions   Issued   Reg.

1. G.O.Ms.No.49, Finance (BG-1) Department, Dated 20.02.2014.
2. U.O. Note No.55I-A/171/Al/BG-1/2014, Finance (BG-l) Department, Dated 12.03.2014.
3. Circular Memo No.737-A/180/Al/BG.I/2014-1, Finance (BG-1) Department, Dated 21.03.2014.
4. Circular Memo No.737-A/180/A1/BG.1/2014-2, Finance (BG-1) Department, Dated 24.03.2014.
5. G.O.Ms.No.70, Finance (BG-1) Department, Dated 24.03.2014.
6. U.0 Note No.737-A/ 180/A l /BG.l/2014-3, Finance (BG-1) Department, Dated 28.03.2014.
7. G.O.Ms.No.74, Finance (BG-1) Department. Dated 24.03.2014.
8. G.O.Ms.No.77, Finance (BG-1) Department, Dated 04.04.2014.

The Departments of Secretariat and HODs are informed that as per the guidelines from the Planning Commission, the provisions under GI-I 10-  Centrally Sponsored Schemes.and under GH06-Matching State Share of Centrally Sponsored Schemes are regrouped and shown under GI-I 12- Centrally Assisted State Plan Schemes in BE 2014-15 (Vote on Account). The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, AP, Hyderabad, the Pay & Accounts Officer, Hyderabad and the Director of Works Accounts, Hyderabad are authorized to admit salary bills under G11 12 - Centrally Assisted state Plan Schemes which are hither to incurred under GH 06-Matching State Share of Centrally Sponsored Schemes and GH 10-Centrally Sponsored Schemes in the year 2013-14.

All the Departments of Secretariat and Heads of Departments are requested to take necessary action for making suitable allocation in full budget 2014-15 under Salaries under GH 12- Centrally Assisted State Plan Schemes wherever necessary.

Download Memo No.999-B/245/A1/BG.I /2014, Dt:4.4.14


The admissions in AP MODEL SCHOOLS are as per the Guidelines of GOMsNo:17, which is explained below.

G.O.Ms.No. 17, Dated:11.02.2013 :: Secondary Education- Guidelines and procedure for admissions of students into Model Schools in the state of Andhra Pradesh from the Academic Year 2013-14-Approved-Orders-Issued.

Reference: From the Commissioner and Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh,Hyderabad,Lr.C.No.832/A1/ Model Schools /RMSA /2012 , dated 06.12.2012.


The Model Schools Scheme is meant for catering to the needs of Educationally Backward Mandals to provide quality education on Kendriya Vidyalaya template. The Government of India have sanctioned 355 Model Schools to Andhra Pradesh to be established in Educationally Backward Mandals. During the first year of establishment of Model Schools, classes VI to VIII and Junior Intermediate with M.P.C/ Bi.P.C/C.E.C/M.E.C groups will be opened in English Medium with co- education.  Hence, all the students who domicile from the Mandal or studied in the particular Mandal in any recognized institution may become exclusively eligible for admission into the Model Schools which are going to be operationalized from the academic year 2013-14.

1) Strength
a) Classes VI to X :

b) Intermediate:

2) It is also proposed that admissions for classes VI, VII, VIII shall be done as per the provisions of RTE Act XXXV of 2009 and procedure followed by APREIS will be adopted; admissions into Junior Intermediate shall be based on the marks scored in the SSC Examination in the order of merit.

3) In this connection, the reservations to be adopted for admission of students into the Model Schools are proposed as below after examining the reservation pattern of APREIS, APSWREIS, APTWREIS and KV/ Navodaya Vidyalaya duly keeping in view the constitutional provision of reservations.

4) Rule of Reservation:
i. 15% and 6% seats in each class shall be reserved for candidates belonging to the SCs and STs respectively.
ii. 29% of the seats in each class shall be reserved for BCs and shall be allocated among the five groups of BCs as shown below:

a) Group - A: 7%
b) Group - B: 10%
c) Group - C: 1%
d) Group - D: 7%
e) Group - E: 4%

iii. Physically Challenged students: 3% (in the reservation group of the students)
iv. 33.33% seats are to be reserved to Girls.
v. If sufficient numbers of candidates of any particular group of BCs are not   available to fill up the seats reserved for  that group, they may be filled up by    suitable candidates in any other group.
vi. 50% seats will be for other communities.
vii. Each of the classes VI to X has two sections with an intake of 40 each. While      admitting the students the class shall be taken as a unit of 80 students for      Classes VI to X.  For Intermediate class, the unit shall be each group of 20      students.  However, in case of any non-availability of applicants in any      particular group, the total  strength of 80  can  be  taken  as  a  unit  for  the           purpose  of   reservation. The community wise distribution of seats for  Classes      VI to X is as follows:

viii. Each of the classes Intermediate I and II year has two sections with an intake of 40 each. While admitting the students the Group shall be  taken  as  a  unit  of 20  students  and  the  community  wise distribution of seats for Intermediate I and II year is as follows:

a)  While  admitting  students,  care  should  be  taken  to  allot  minimum
33.33% seats to girls as indicated above.
b)  In ST, BC-A, D and E reserved communities, one seat is to be allotted for all these communities based on availability of applications in the order of ST, BC-A,  D  and E in addition to  the no.indicated above.
c) However as girls reservation is not feasible in ST / BC-  A, D & E categories due to availability of only one seat in these categories, care should be taken to select at   least one girl student from ST, BC-A, D and E  groups, if any applications are received from the said categories.
ix. Vacancies in any reserved communities will be transferred to other reserved communities in the order of most disadvantaged to the least disadvantaged communities.
x. In case of vacancies in any reserved communities, the vacancies will be transferred as below:

xi. There shall be no income limitation to the parent/guardian of the student.  But preference goes to the student hailing from less income (annual income).
5) Procedure of Admissions:
a. The  RMSA,  Andhra  Pradesh,  Hyderabad  shall  issue  a notification  inviting  applications  for  admission  into  Model Schools for classes VI to VIII and first year Intermediate of MPC, BPC, MEC and CEC groups each of 20 students for the academic year 2013-14 in English Medium with State syllabi duly keeping the format of application in the website of the Model Schools, RMSA and will inform the public through News item and Advertisement as the case may be.
b. The printed application forms for admission into schools will be made available at the MEO’s office and will be issued FREE OF COST to the applicants.
c. The filled in applications along with enclosures as informed in the notification shall be received by the Principal of the Model School of the Mandal till the notified cut of date.
d. The Principal of the Model School of the Mandal will register the  applications  received  and  assign  registration  No.  in seriatim till the cut of time and date and then segregate them to prepare class wise and reserved community wise lists of
e. The lists of applicants class wise and reserved community wise will be sent to the selection committee for drawl of lots or selection by merit as per marks scored in SSC for the purpose of Intermediate Admissions through the Convenor Principal of Model Schools and the Principal of the Model School of the Mandal shall participate in the selections for admissions as member when the item of admission work for
that school is being taken up.
f. While preparing selection lists, a waiting list of 20% seats also shall be prepared and candidates will be  admitted in the order from the wait list for the left over  vacancies  of the selection lists.

g. The  selection  of  the  students  will  be  made  through  a committee formed     under the Chairmanship of Addl. Joint Collector of the district either at a central place on one or more days or at different places depending on the number of
schools  located  in  the  District. The constitution  of  the committee shall be as below:
I.   Additional Joint Collector (Education)- Chairman
II.  District Educational Officer - Member

III. Regional Inspecting Officer, BIE - Member
IV. Deputy Educational Officer, RMSA - Member
V.  One  Principal  of  APREIS /  APSWERIS / APTWREIS nominated by the District Collector - Member
VI. Principal  of  one  of  the  Model  Schools  in  the  district nominated by the District Collector - Member Convener ( to co-ordinate the work of admissions of all the schools in the district)
VII. Principal of the Model School - Member- (While finalizing the  admissions of that school)
h. The Committee will draw the lots in presence of parents/public representatives to ensure complete transparency in selection of students for admissions.
i.  The left over vacancies of any class in a Model School will be allotted   to students from   other   Mandals   only   after exhausting the list of students of that particular Mandal to ensure economic optimization.
j.  The Selection lists and Waiting lists will be displayed at DEO’s office,  MEO’s  office  and  in  the  school  premises  after completion  of  admission  process  by  the  Committee.    A news item shall be released for the benefit of public of the Mandal and to help the selected students to approach for finalizing their admission in the school.
k. The  Collector  as  the  Chairman  of  the  District  Executive Committee can allot 5% of seats per class of 80 students and not exceeding 20 per school over and above the sanctioned strength to wards of the regular employees of Model Schools.
These students enjoy the benefit of school/college study only without any benefits as extended by the Government i.e. free text Books, Examination fee if any etc.
l.  In case of any dispute in admission, the decision of the Collector and Chairman of District Monitoring committee for Model Schools shall be final.
m.  The Principal of the Model School of the Mandal shall take steps to admit selected students duly verifying the certificates and maintain   Admission   and   Withdrawal   Register   for the School.
6) The   Commissioner   and   Director   of   School   Education   &   Ex-Officio Project Director, RMSA,Anadhra Pradesh, Hyderabad shall take necessary action accordingly Download G.O.Ms.No.17, Dt: 11.2.13
List of Model Schools available for ADMISSIONS in 2014-15
Apply AP Model Schools 2014 online

Online REGISTRATION for Schools participating in the INSPIRE Award Scheme

Innovation in Science Pursuit for   Inspired Research

Under this scheme, all recognized schools in the country (whether run by Central Government or State Government or local body or NGOs), including private schools (aided or unaided), having classes from 6th to 10th (whether all or some), are eligible to enroll in the scheme and submit nominations of eligible children to DST through their respective District / State education authorities on-line/ off-line. Before filing nominations on-line, the concerned schools will have to do a one-time registration process and obtain a permanent registration no. (Application No.) from their respective district authority

Website link

09 April, 2014

Rc.No.558/A3/RVM(SSA)/2012, Dt:3-04-2014 :: Instructions to All MEO's to submit uniform amounts by way of D.D's for 2011-12, 2012-13 of Prakasam District.

Rc.No.558/A3/RVM(SSA)/2012, Dt:3-04-2014 :: RVM Prakasam - Release of Grants directly to SMCs during the F.Y. 2011-12 and 2012-13 - Certain instructions to MEOs in the District towards releasing of Uniform cloth amount and stitching amount for the FY 2011-12 & Uniform cloth amount 2012-13.

1. Proc. Rc.No.255/RVM(SSA)/B14/2011, Dt.28.01.12, 19.06.12 & 05.07.2012 of the State Project Director,RVM (SSA), AP., Hyderabad
2. Cir.Memo.No.A3/1256/2013, DT: 26.03.2014 of State Project Director, RVM (SSA), AP., Hyderabad.

In  the  reference  1st  cited,  the  State  Project  Director, RVM(SSA), AP., Hyderabad has  instructed all the   Project  Officers in the State to release the Uniform cloth amounts and Stitching amount during the  FY 2011-12 & Uniform cloth amount during the FY 2012-13to the concerned SMCs as detailed in the statement from the retrieved amounts available.
Accordingly, the above amounts have been credited to the concerned SMCs accounts of their mandal. The uniform amounts (school wise) statements are here with enclosed with this proceedings.
In the light of the above orders, the Mandal Educational officers  are  here  by  instructed  to  issue  instructions  to  the  Concerned SMCs of their mandals to release uniform cloth amount for the FY 2011-12 and obtain the, amount by way of DDs as shown below and submit the same to the under signed for onward submission to the concerned agency/Mill.

Download Rc.No.558/A3/RVM(SSA)/2012, Dt:3-04-2014

Uniform RTGS returns amount for the year 2011-12, 2012-13

08 April, 2014

G.O.Ms.No.78, Dt:  07-04-2014 :: May month salaries paid govt employees pensioners inadvance on May24

G.O.Ms.No.78, Dt:07-04-2014 ::  Payment of Salaries to the State Government Employees and Pensions to the Pensioners on 24.05.2014  – Orders  – Issued.

From the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P. Hyderabad letter Rc.No.M3/3806/2014, dated 02.04.2014.

O R D E R:
In the reference read above, the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P. Hyderabad has informed that in view of re-organisation, the Government transactions related to combined A.P. State should be closed prior to scheduled date. The
responsibility of payment of salaries and pensions for the month of May, 2014 lies with
combined A.P. State. Normally salaries and pensions will be paid on 1st of succeeding month and the compilation and rendering of accounts to Accountant General will be completed by 15th of succeeding month.  But in view of the reorganization of A.P. State, the compilation and account rendering work should be completed before appointed day.  It is further informed that the process of presenting bills by the D.D.Os in respect of salaries
and other claims need to be regulated and the D.D.Os should ensure that all the claims are
presented at Treasury well in advance. 

1. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Hyderabad has also informed that the liability of the combined State in respect of the claims  arising upto 5/2014 to be settled, if any, in the month of June, 2014 needs to be examined and the liability should be allocated.  To facilitate smooth rendering of accounts, orders for advancement of date of salary and pensions payment for the month of May, 2014, as a special case may be issued.  All Heads
of Department may also be informed to rationalize or restrict presentation of contingent
bills during May, 2014 to smoothen the disbursement issues.  In view of the above, she has informed that the payment of salaries and pensions for the month of May, 2014 may be
permitted to be paid in the Month of May itself i.e. on 24
th May, 2014 so that the monthly
account processing work can be expedited. The Government transactions related to combined A.P. State, arising on or after appointed day may also be settled through interstate suspense account maintained by the Accountant General.  Therefore she has  requested the Government to issue necessary orders in this regard. 

2. Government after careful consideration of the matter, hereby decided to pay the
Salaries to the State Government Employees and Pensions to the Pensioners for the month of May 2014 on 24.05.2014 instead of 02.06.2014 in view of the Public Holiday on 01.06.2014 and also in view of appointed date being 2
nd June 2014 for formation of
Telangana State.

3. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad and the Pay and Accounts Officer, Hyderabad shall comply with the above orders for payment of salaries to the Government Employees and Pensions to the Pensioners on 24.05.2014 instead of 02.06.2014  for the month of May, 2014.  They are also instructed to issue suitable
instructions to their subordinate officers in this regard.

Download G.O.Ms.No.78, Dt:07-04-2014

Lok Satta Party decides to fight LS polls alone

As talks between TDP and BJP over forging an alliance were still caught in a deadlock, the Lok Satta Party (LSP) that initially showed inclination to join hands with them, has now decided to go it alone in the April 30 elections in Telangana.
"We will have no tie-up with any party. We fill fight the elections on our own," Lok Satta Party state president Katari Srinivasa Rao announced in Hyderabad on Saturday.

View complete news

G.O.Rt.No.1312, Dt: 04-04-2014 :: State Govt Norms for Election TA DA Remuneration Rates 2014

G.O.Rt.No. 1312, Dt: 04-04-2014 :: Elections – General Elections, 2014 Simultaneous Elections to the Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assembly to be held in 2 phases i.e., on 30-04-2014 & 07-05-2014 – Financial Authorization – Concession in T.A. and D.A. to the Chief Electoral Officer, the Observers, the D.E.O. – Payment of remuneration to the Polling Personnel – Payment of sundry expenses to the Presiding Officers, Permanent Advances to the Returning
Officers and Asst. Returning Officers, remuneration to Village servants – Payment of extra T.A./D.A. to the Polling/Counting personnel – Orders – Issued.

Government hereby direct that the following orders, wherein certain financial authorizations and allowances were given to the poll personnel shall hold good for the purpose of conduct of General Elections, 2014 Simultaneous Elections to the Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assembly to be held in two phases i.e., on 30-04-2014 & 07-05-2014.

2. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (Expr.GAD.I) Department vide
their U.O.No.6856/152/Expr.GAD-I/2014, dt: 01-04-2014.

Download G.O.Rt.No. 1312, Dt: 04-04-2014

శ్రీరామనవమి శుభాకాంక్షలు

శ్రీ రామరక్షా స్తోత్రం రచించినవారు : బుధకౌశికముని ఇది శ్రీ బుధకౌశికముని రచించిన శ్రీ రామరక్షా స్తోత్రం పూర్తిపాఠం : ఓం శ్రీ గణేశాయ నమః, అస్య శ్రీ రామరక్షాస్తోత్ర మంత్రస్య, బుధకౌశిక ఋషిః, శ్రీ సీతారామచంద్రో దేవతా, అనుష్టుప్ ఛందః, సీతాశక్తిః శ్రీమాన్ హనుమాన్ కీలకం, శ్రీరామచంద్ర ప్రీత్యర్ధే, రామరక్షా స్తోత్ర జపే వినియోగః ధ్యానం: ధ్యాయే దాజానుబాహుం ధృతశరధనుషం బద్ధ పద్మాసనస్థమ్ పీతం వాసో వసానం, నవకమల దళస్పర్ధి నేత్రం ప్రసన్నమ్ వామాంకారూఢ సీతా ముఖకమల మిలల్లోచనం నీరదాభమ్ నానాలంకార దీప్తం దధత మురుజటామండలం రామచంద్రమ్. శ్రీ రామరక్షా స్తోత్రం : చరితం రఘునాథస్య శతకోటి ప్రవిస్తరమ్ ఏకైన మక్షరం పుంసాం మహపాతక నాశనమ్. ధ్యాత్వా నీలోత్పల శ్యామం రామం రాజీవలోచనమ్ జానకీ లక్ష్మణోపేతం జటామకుట మండితమ్. సా సితూణ ధనుర్బాణ పాణిం నక్తం చరాంతకమ్ స్వలీలయా జగత్త్రాతు మావిర్భూత మజం విభుమ్. రామరక్షాం పఠేత్ ప్రాజ్ఞః పాపఘ్నీం సర్వకామదామ్ శిరో మే రాఘవః పాతు భాలం దశరథాత్మజః కౌసల్యేయో దృశౌపాతు విశ్వామిత్రః ప్రియః శృతీ ఘ్రాణం పాతు మఖత్రాతా ముఖం సౌమిత్రి వత్సలః జిహ్వాం విద్యా నిధిః పాతు కంఠం భరత వందితః స్కంధౌ దివ్యాయుధః పాతు భుజౌ భగ్నేశ కార్ముకః కరౌ సీతాపతిః పాతు హృదయం జామదగ్న్యజిత్ మధ్యం పాతు ఖరధ్వంసీ నాభిం జాంబవదాశ్రయః సుగ్రీవేశః కటీ పాతు సక్థినీ హనుమత్ప్రభుః ఊరూ రఘూత్తమః పాతు రక్షఃకుల వినాశకృత్. జానునీ సేతుకృత్పాతు జంఘే దశముఖాంతకః పాదౌ విభీషణ శ్రీదః పాతు రామో ఖిలం వపు: ఏతాం రామబలోపేతాం రక్షాం యః సుకృతీ పఠేత్ స చిరాయుః సుఖీ పుత్రీ విజయీ వినయీ భవేత్. పాతాళ భూతల వ్యోమ చారిణశ్చద్మ చారిణః న ద్రష్టు మపి శక్తాస్తే రక్షితమ్ రామనామభిః రామేతి రామభద్రేతి రామ చంద్రేతి వా స్మరన్ నరో నలిప్యతే పాపైర్భుక్తిం ముక్తిం చ విందతి. జగజ్జైత్రైక మంత్రేణ రామనామ్నాభి రక్షితమ్ యఃకంఠే ధారయేత్తస్య కరస్థాః సర్వ సిద్ధయః వజ్రపంజర నామేదం యో రామకవచం స్మరేత్ అవ్యాహతాజ్ఞః సర్వత్ర లభతే జయమంగళం. ఆదిష్టవాన్ యథా స్వప్నే రామ రక్షామిమాం హరః తథా లిఖితవాన్ ప్రాతః ప్రబుద్ధో బుధకౌశికః ఆరామః కల్పవృక్షాణాం విరామస్సకలాపదామ్ అభిరామ స్త్రిలోకానామ్ రామః శ్రీమాన్సనః ప్రభుః తరుణౌ రూపసంపన్నౌ సుమారౌ మహాబలౌ పుండరీక విశాలాక్షా చీర కృష్ణాజినాంబరౌ ఫలమూలసినౌ దాంతౌ తాపసౌ బ్రహ్మచారిణౌ పుత్రౌ దశారథ స్యైతౌ భ్రాతరౌ రామలక్ష్మణౌ శరణ్యౌ సర్వసత్వానాం శ్రేష్ఠౌ సర్వధనుష్మతామ్ రక్షఃకుల నిహంతారౌ త్రాయేతాం నో రఘోత్తమౌ ఆత్తసజ్యధనుషా విషుస్పృశావక్షయాశుగ నిషంగసంగినౌ రక్షణాయ మమ రామలక్ష్మణావగ్రతః పథి సదైవ గచ్ఛతామ్. సన్నద్ధః కవచీ ఖడ్గీ చాపబాణధరో యువా గచ్చన్ మనోరథాన్నశ్చ రామః పాతు సలక్ష్మణః రామో దాశరథిశ్శూరో లక్ష్మణానుచరో బలీ కాకుత్థ్సః పురుషః పూర్ణః కౌశల్యేయో రఘోత్తమః వేదాంతవేద్యో యజ్ఞేశః పురాణ పురుషోత్తమః జానకీ వల్లభః శ్రీమా నప్రమేయ పరాక్రమః ఇత్యేతాని జపేన్నిత్యం మద్భక్తః శ్రద్ధయాన్వితః అశ్వమేథధికం పుణ్యం సంప్రాప్నోతి న సంశయః రామం దూర్వాదళశ్యామం పద్మాక్షం సీతావాససమ్ స్తువంతి నామభిర్ది వైర్నతే సంసారిణో నరాః రామం లక్ష్మణపూర్వజం రఘువరం సీతాపతిం సుందరమ్ కకుత్థ్స్యం కరుణార్ణవం గుణనిధిం విప్రప్రియం ధార్మికమ్ రాజేంద్రం సత్యసంధం దశరథతనయం శ్యామలమ్ శాంతమూర్తిమ్ వందే లోకాభిరామం రఘుకులతిలకం రాఘవం రావణారిమ్. రామాయ రామభద్రాయ రామచంద్రాయ వేథసే రఘునాథాయ నాథాయ సీతాయాః పతయే నమః శ్రీరామ రామ రఘునందన రామరామ శ్రీరామ రామ భరతాగ్రజ రామరామ శ్రీరామ రామ రణకర్కశ రామ రామ శ్రీరామ రామ శరణం భవ రామ రామ శ్రీరామ చంద్ర చరణౌ మనసా స్మరామి శ్రీరామ చంద్ర చరణౌ వచ సాగ్రణామి శ్రీరామ చంద్ర చరణౌ శిరసా నమామి శ్రీరామ చంద్ర చరణౌ శరణం ప్రపద్యే మాతా రామో మత్పితా రామచంద్రః స్వామీ రామో మత్సఖా రామచంద్రః సర్వస్వం మే రామచంద్రో దయాళు ర్నాన్యం జానే నైవ జానే న జానే. దక్షిణే లక్ష్మణో యస్య వామే చ జనకాత్మజా పురతో మారుతిర్యస్య తం వందే రఘునందనమ్. లోకాభిరామం రణరంగధీరం రాజీవనేత్రం రఘువంశనాథమ్ కారుణ్యరూపం కరుణాకరం తం శ్రీరామచంద్రం శరణం ప్రపద్యే మనోజవం మారుతతుల్య వేగమ్ జితేంద్రియం బుద్ధిమతాం వరిష్టమ్ వాతాత్మజం వానరయూథ ముఖ్యమ్ శ్రీరామదూతం శరణం ప్రపద్యే. కూజంతం రామ రామేతి మధురం మధురాక్షరమ్ ఆరుహ్య కవితా శాఖాం వందే వాల్మీకి కోకిలం ఆపదా మపర్తారం దాతారం సర్వసంపదామ్ లోకాభిరామం శ్రీరామం భూయో భూయో నమామ్యహమ్. భర్జనం భవబీజానా మర్జనం సుఖసంపదామ్ తర్జనం యమదూతానాం రామరామేతి గర్జనమ్ రామో రాజమణిస్సదా విజయతే రామం రమేశం భజే రామేణాభిహతా నిశాచర చమూ రామాయ తస్మై నమః రామాన్నాస్తి పరాయణం పరతరం రామస్య దాసోస్మ్యహం రామే చిత్తలయ స్సదా భవతు మే భో రామ మాముద్ధర శ్రీరామ రామ రామేతి రమే రామే మనోరమే సహస్రనామ తత్తుల్యం రామనామ వరాననే || ఇతి శ్రీ బుధకౌశిక ముని విరచితం రామరక్షాస్తోత్రం సంపూర్ణం ||

03 April, 2014


SSC time re schedule: 11am -1.30pm for all science &social papers on 7th,9th,12th,15th April

All Anticident Reports of Teachers of all Mandals of PRAKASAM DISTRICT

The District Educational officer of Prakasam dist. released All Anticident Reports of Teachers of all Mandals of PRAKASAM DISTRICT, and available here to download.

As per the anticident reports of the POLICE DEPT., the DEO may issue the REGULARIZATION PROCEEDINGS of the teachers soon.

Download All Anticident Reports all Mandals of PRAKASAM DIST