29 July, 2013
Rc.No:111, Audit for RMSA funds 2012-13 by CA's and Utilisation Certificate. Expenditure Statement
RMSA Grants Expenditure statement
RMSA funds utilisation certification
28 July, 2013
26 July, 2013
24 July, 2013
22 July, 2013
21 July, 2013
20 July, 2013
19 July, 2013
18 July, 2013
16 July, 2013
13 July, 2013
GPF Annual Account Slips 2012-13 available now
1. select year (ex: 2012-13)
2. select Dept.(ex: EDN for Education Dept)
3. Enter GPF Number
4. Enter Mobile Number
5. Click on 'GO' button
Incentive Girls profarma & School wise Details Prakasam Dist
Incentive Girls profarma & School wise Details
12 July, 2013
11 July, 2013
DIETCET 2013 Statewide, University Wise, Community wise MERIT LISTS
Statewide Merit lists
University wise Merit lists
Community wise Merit lists
*Schedule for counsiling will be announced shortly.
10 July, 2013
09 July, 2013
08 July, 2013
07 July, 2013
Android application v0.1 for
iteacherz is now presenting an android application for all android mobiles (data connection required) which enable users to open blog without instaling any browser and without typing the address in address bar. Also during our speed life every one want to know information but no time to spend for. For this people my application is very helpful.
Download android app for
05 July, 2013
04 July, 2013
03 July, 2013
DSC 2013 announced with 24∅78 posts as per GO 183, Dt:.2.7.13
Secondary Grade Teachers (SGTs) - 16,287
Language Pandits - 1,425
Physical Education Teacher (PETs) - 264
S.A. Physical Director - 2
School Assistant - 2,530
Total Vacancies: 20,508
G.O.Ms.No. 183, Dated: 02.07.2013 -PUBLIC SERVICES – Recruitments – Filling of twenty four thousand seventy eight (24,078) vacant posts through Direct Recruitment –Permission to the Recruiting Agencies
DSC 2013 :: GO No:183, Dt:2.7.13
02 July, 2013
PSLV C22 is successful to project IRNSS-1A launched with Indian navigation system successfully
Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System is India's own regional navigation satellite system to provide accurate real-time positioning & timing services over India and region extending to 1500 Km around India. It offers two services Standard Positioning Service (SPS) and Restricted Service (RS) with encryption. The fully deployed IRNSS system consist of 3 satellites in GEO orbit and 4 satellites in GSO orbit, approximately 36,000 km altitude above earth surface. Each satellite is configured around I1K bus and is continuously monitored & maintained by ground segment.
Each satellite has two payloads viz. Navigation payload and CDMA Ranging payload in addition with retro-reflector. The payload generates navigation signals at L5 and S-band. The design of the payload makes the IRNSS system inter-operable and compatible with GPS and Galileo.
Type/Applications: Navigation
Orbit Location: 55°E Geo
Mission Life: 12 Years
Equipments: L5 & S-band Navigation payload C-band Ranging Payload Frequency: C-band: U/L: 6700 – 6725 MHz (RHCP) D/L: 3400 – 3425 MHz (LHCP) L5-band: D/L: 1176.45 MHz (BW-24 MHz) (RHCP) S-band: D/L: 2492.028 MHz (BW-16.5 MHz) (RHCP)
JBAR Health activities to be done on 3rd July 2013
All HM's are instructed to conduct HEALTH DAY in schoops on 3rd July 13