1. As per Data of UDISE 2012-13, DSC 2012 Teachers shall be redeployed to needy schools.
2. Schools with zero enrollmentcan be merged with nearby schools.
3. 1-10 enrollment schools be merged with nearby (1 km distance) primary schools.
4. If any nearby school not available, Transportation / Residential facilities be provided as per RTE Norms.
5. Resultant Emptied school buildings be possessed and awarded to Anganwadi Centres.
6. All these activities should be operated by 31.4.13
Lr.Rc.No:113/IC-1/2012, Dt:19.3.13 :: Redeployment of DSC 2012 Teachers as per RTE Norms
GO Ms No:43(Fin.Dept), Dt:23.2.13 :: Sanction of 10917 posts by SSA(RVM) Under RTE Act
GO Ms No:55, Dt:23.4.11 :: Norms for Rationalisation of schools, posts & staff under various managements
Rc No:1570/C3-2/2010, Dt:10.6.11 :: Additional Guidelines for Rationalization of posts & staff
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