
21 April, 2012

LPCET (Language Pandit Common Entrance Test) - 2012 Notification

The Department of School Education, Andhra Pradesh has issued LPCET 2012 Notification for the admission in to TPT, HPT, UPT Curse in various colleges in the state. Language Pandit Common Entrance Test will enable the candidates to get admission in to Telugu, Hindi, Urdu Pandit 1 year courses in IASE or College Teacher Education institutions in AP. Candidates interested in Language Pandit Common Entrance Test LPCET 2012 Notification should submit their applications only through online method.
Important Dates:

1. Commencement of Online applications through
: 26th April 2012
2. Close of online applications: 10th May 2012
3. Date of LPCET 2012: To be announced soon.
4. TPT: 10.30 AM to 12.00 Noon
5. UPT: 10.30 AM to 12.00 Noon
6. HPT: 2.00 PM to 3.30 PM

For more updates on LPCET 2012 Notification

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