
14 June, 2011

Longest Total Lunar Eclipses or Sampurna Chandra Grahan will occur on night of June 15 2011

One of the longest lunar eclipses on June 15...moon
One of the longest total lunar eclipses will occur on the night of June 15 and be visible everywhere in India. The first lunar eclipse this year, will be best visible almost near the zenith, according to Director-Research and Academics, M P Birla planetarium. It can be seen in Kolkata sky from 12:52 am to 2:32 am, making it one of the longest in recent times. After the totality, the partial eclipse will end around 3:52 am, in the early hours of June 16.
Other than India, lunar eclipses will be visible from the eastern half of Africa, the Middle East, central Asia and western Australia. Observers throughout Europe will miss the early stages of the eclipse because it will occur before moonrise. The next lunar eclipse, also to be visible from India, will be a total one on December 10 this year but will last only 25 minutes. He said that on January 31, 2018, Kolkata will be able to view another total lunar eclipse.

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